A vocal polyp is a growth that develops on your vocal cords. Vocal cord polyps can occur on one or both vocal cords. A: Whispering is OK in principle, but most people do not whisper in a way that is good for the voice. The ASMR artist, Deni ASMRCZ, recently asked me if whispering is bad for the throat or vocal cords. The converse is actually true. You need to allow time for your vocal folds to heal before returning to full voice use. Whisper, speech in which the vocal cords are held rigid, preventing the vibration that produces normal sounds. A contact ulcer may require surgical removal if it does not go away on its own after a minimum of six weeks of voice rest. You also may need voice therapy and treatment for acid reflux. Vocal nodules can happen to anyone. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: What are vocal cord polyps? If you are experiencing vocal problems like hoarseness, soreness, and changes in your voice, then you may need to let your vocal cords rest, especially if you have a career that requires a lot of talking or singing. We take a look at how vocal nodules might … Whispering actually requires special muscle contractions in order to modulate our voices from its natural state. Since stuttering causes the vocal cords to tighten up and “freeze” or “lock” and (as I infer from the postings) whispering involves tightening of the vocal folds, I find it puzzling that these similar states of the vocal cords/folds produces virtually no speech when speaking in a normal tone and easy speech when whispering. They may be caused by overuse of your voice. In whispering, voiceless sounds are produced as usual; but voiced sounds (e.g., vowels) are produced by forcing air through a narrow glottal opening formed by holding the vocal cords rigid and close together.See also voice; vocal fry. Remember to consult your doctor first before trying any remedies at home to heal your vocal cords. Q: Are the vocal cords muscles? Most vocal cord polyps require surgical removal. Examples include singing, yelling, or frequent talking required by a job such as teaching. They’re most often caused by overuse or straining your vocal cords. When the vocal cords come together in a person with nodules or polyps, full closure of the cords does not occur, air escapes, and a breathy sound quality is produced. A: The vocal cords themselves are made up of a mucosal cover and a muscular body. These structures vibrate, which is what produces our sound. An acute episode of vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) can be scary because it feels and sounds like you can’t breathe. Q: Does whispering save your voice? A 2006 research article stated, “For years, otolaryngologists and voice therapists have warned voice patients that whispering causes more trauma to the larynx than normal speech.However, no large series of patients has ever been examined fiberoptically during whispering to test this … Vocal cord nodules may require surgical removal. A common misconception is that whispering might not strain the voice box, and that it could be more beneficial to the healing of the vocal cords.