Small Rumin. Official publication. Bacillus-inoculated feather meal and conventional feather meal were compared as partial (10 or 20%) replacers of soybean meal in finisher pigs during 70 days. The apparent digestibility coefficients of feather meal measured on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (101 g BW) were reported to be : 58% for dry matter, 77% for crude protein and 70% for energy. J. Anim. Anim. Feather meal and its nutritional impact. Performance of beef calves fed with different protein sources associated with silage of sorghum harvested at two different heights. Midwest Swine Nutr. Res., 51 (1): 101-106, Southern, L. L.; LeMieux, F. M.; Matthews, J. O.; Bidner, T. D.; Knowles, T. A., 2000. J. Feather meal needs to be tested (pepsin digestibility) to ensure that it has been processed properly. Feathers are produced worldwide. Protein value of feather meal for ruminants as affected by blood additions. Valley Proteins’ hydrolyzed feather meal is an economical source of protein for most animal diets. Complementary effect of processed broiler offal and feather meals on nutrient retention, carcass and organ mass of broiler chickens. J. Anim. Kamalak, A. ; Canbolat, O. ; Gurbuz, Y. ; Ozay, O., 2005. Mahidol University, Rodriguez, N. M.; Moreira, J. F. C.; Fernandes, P. C. C.; Veloso, C. M.; Saliba, E. O. S.; Borges, I.; Goncalves, L. C.; Borges, A., 2003. Levels of 5 and 7.5 % of dietary feather meal decreased DM and CP digestibility, loin-eye area, FCR and feed intake (Buaban, 1988). J. Nutr. Bioconversion of chicken feathers by Bacillus aerius NSMk2: A potential approach in poultry waste management. The nitrogen utilization of diets was comparable when soybean meal was replaced by feather meal and blood meal (Viswanathan et al., 2009; Cozzi et al., 1995). Now take this ground chicken and carefully dry it to a moisture level of 10%. Some bacteria are able to produce feather-digesting enzymes that will convert the protein fraction into a digestible form (Shih, 1993). A comparison of methods to determine amino acid digestibility of feed ingredients for chickens. N = 13.25%, P = 1.0%, K = 0.6%. Sci., 89 (12): 2626–2633, Barber, R. S. ; Braude, R. ; Mitchell, K. G., 1965. Res., 13 (2): 127-132, Apple, J. K.; Boger, C. B.; Brown, D. C.; Maxwell, C. V, 2003. Feather meal is used as a source of protein for farm animals and as a fertilizer. Feather meal treatment with NaOH treatment instead of thermal hydrolysis let to growth depression (Loyra et al., 2013). Studies at and in association with the Rowett Research Organization, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK. In some experiments the presence of feather meal in rabbit diets reduced significantly growth performance (feed intake, growth rate), but in this case the imbalance in amino acids was not taken in account (Trung et al., 2017). As an organic garden fertilizer, it is not synthetic or petroleum-based. Sci., 68 (9): 2936–2944, Grant, R. J. ; Haddad, S. G., 1998. Some authors proposed to associate feather meal with other animal protein sources such as broiler offal or fish meal in order to improve the amino acid profile of the diet without relying too much on synthetic amino acids (El Boushy et al., 1990). … Dairy Sci., 97 (1): 439-445, Strzetelski, J. Feather meal could replace up to 33% fish meal and 66% soybean meal in Nile tilapia fry (2.3 g) diet (containing 30% CP and 19.7 MJ/kg gross energy) without compromising growth and protein utilization (Suloma et al., 2014). Fish Meal. Other effects of feather meal level on meat quality were not consistent. Evaluation of hydrolyzed feather and offal meals as a protein sources for ruminants. FEATHER MEAL NUTRITIONAL ASSAY HYDROLIZED POULTRY FEATHER MEAL. The feed grade ingredients we produce for pet food, aqua feed and feed industry are manufactured in accordance with the highest quality standards. Feather meal Animal byproduct obtained by hydrolysing, drying and grinding poultry feathers. Feather meal is an effective source of metabolisable protein and of sulfur amino-acids, mainly consisting in cysteine, while only very little methionine is available and could be limiting. Although total nitrogen levels are fairly high (up to 12%), the bioavailability of this nitrogen may be low. Feather meal is a rather inexpensive protein source, with high rumen undegradable protein (RUP). A review. In juvenile (20 g) carps, up to 40% fish meal could be replaced by hydrolyzed feather meal without impairing growth rate and feed conversion ratio. The use of 5% hydrolyzed feather meal in local growing ducks allowed growth performance similar to control diet (Pertiwi et al., 2017). J., 31 (3): 200-211, de Oliveira, M. M. M.; Sanchez, L. M. B.; Junior, F. M. V.; Perez, J. R. O.; Pires, C. C.; Haygert, I. M. P.; Frizzo, A.; Lana, R. D. P., 2002. Bras. Kerr, B. J. ; Jha, R. ; Urriola, P. E. ; Shurson, G. C., 2017. Similarly Herbein and Webb (1997), found that 2.2% feather meal was not detrimental to milk production or feed intake. Inclusion of the processed, water b… In wethers, at similar intake, hydrolyzed feather meal resulted in similar portal and hepatic nitrogenous nutrient flows (alpha-amino nitrogen, ammonia and urea) as other protein sources (soybean meal, corn gluten meal) (Branco et al., 2004). The protein content is now 65% and the fat level is 12%. Amino acid composition and digestible amino acid content in animal protein by-product meals fed to growing pigs. Effects of feather meal on the performance of turkeys. J. Sciences, 7: 16-20, Trung, T. T. ; Nguyen, T. K. D. ; Nguyen, V. T., 2017. Evaluation of poultry-feather meal as a dietary protein source for Indian major carp, Hernandez, F. I. L.; Sanchez, L. M. B.; Vieira, R. A. M.; da Silva, J. H. S., 1998. Sci. Poult. Feeds, Nov. Special, 71-79, Encinias, A. M.; Lardy, G. P.; Leupp, J. L.; Encinias, H. B.; Reynolds, L. P.; Caton, J. S., 2005. Feathers represent 3-7% weight of the live bird, therefore producing a considerable mass of protein (Soni et al., 2017; Collins et al., 2014). Indeed, despite a high level of metabolizable protein, the amino acid profile in feather meal can be limiting for milk production. Feather meal, like other processed animal proteins, cannot be used everywhere to feed all species: see Potential constraints and recommendations per species below. Similarly feather meal was successfully used in growing and laying ducks in substitution to fishmeal (Suksupath, 1980). Sci., 69 (6): 953-958, Lee, S. C. ; Moon, Y. H., 1997. Sci. Poultry By-Product Meal 60%. In Indian major carp (Labeo rohita) fry, feather meal could replace up to 50% fish meal and be included at up to 20% in the diet without compromising growth and feed conversion ratio (Hasan et al., 1997). The Life Cycle Assessment of steam-processed feather meal shows that it has a better environmental impact (lowest CO2 emissions and lowest abiotic depletion measured in Sb equivalent) than poultry fat and poultry by-product meal (Campos et al., 2020). Analysis of nutrient composition of feather meal and feather meal with blood. Nutritional value of expanded feather meal and its effect on the growth performance of weaned piglets. Moreira, J. F. C.; Rodriguez, N. M.; Fernandes, P. C. C.; Veloso, C. M.; Saliba, E. O. S.; Goncalves, L. C.; Borges, I.; Borges, A. , 2003. An earlier experiment included feather meal at 9% (dietary DM) without impairing growth rate feed efficiency or carcass traits (Chiba et al., 1996). In Pengze crucian carps, feather meal was used to replace 15% to 60% of fish meal (isonitrogenous at 35% crude protein) during 70 days. Biol. Feather-meal in the feeding of broilers. Feather Meal fertilizer. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes, 54: 87-102. It contains typically about 85% DM of protein, with some fat (9%) and minerals (6%). ASSET: An International Journal (Series A), 5: 129-138, Andrighetto, I.; Bailoni, L., 1994. for cows on pasture producing less than 22 kg of milk (Bargo et al., 2001). J. Anim. J. Anim. Sci., 57 (6): 1586-1593, Punsri, P., 1991. From these results it is advised to avoid feather meal in young turkeys up to 4 weeks of age, and to limit inclusion to 2.5-5% in older animals, with adequate feed formulation. Conf. Including feather meal reduced odourous compounds in faeces (van Heugten et al., 2002). Data on DM degradability of feedstuffs. ; Muro, M.G. While this makes raw feathers light, durable, and unable to stretch (unlike hair), it also makes feather keratin undigestible (digestibility < 5%) (Papadopoulos, 1985; Kornillowicz-Kowalska et al., 2011).