I always thought "full scope" referred to the fact that this kind of polygraph session included both CI and Lifestyle questions, rather than referring to a time limit. It will take about 4 hours total. The polygraph experience is invasive and humiliating lacking oversight. If the honest answer to a particular question is not what the examiner purports to want, keep pressing it anyway and don’t relent – even for a crumb. Lifestyle Polygraph: sexual preferences and drug use. Anybody been through this? It will answer a lot of your questions, and will expose to you what a "witch-hunt" and "fishing-expedition" an employment polygraph test really is. Hiring Process and the Polygraph: Hello to all, I understand that the FBI uses the polygraph/lie detector in its hiring process. The questions you will be asked vary with the agency you are applying to but mostly consist of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions. With a CQT polygraph, control questions will be mixed in among the relevant questions. Questions that ask for opinions, emo­tions, feelings or mindset, and hypothetical questions, are not used since the answers cannot be parsed into truthful or non-truthful categories. 2 Types of Polygraph Exams and What They Cover. Raymond Nelson (2006). The polygraph has two sets of questions, counterintelligence and lifestyle. The questions in this exam center around the test-taker's contacts with individuals outside the United States. There are two types of polygraph exams that can be issued: counterintelligence and lifestyle. I’ve only filled out the questionaire, but if you wanna know details you’ll just have to … As part of the hiring process, candidates are required to undertake a police polygraph, known colloquially as lie detection. Passing a polygraph test, also known as a “lie detector” test, is often a requirement during pre-employment screening for a career in law enforcement. Lifestyle Polygraph The candidate is asked questions concerning their personal life and conduct and can involve all aspects of present and past behavior. He retested and the questions he passed on before, now were negative. The second test is a lifestyle polygraph, which asks questions about the individual's private life, including possible drug use, gambling or addictive behaviors. Were giving bad readings. In a specific issue polygraph examination the relevant questions focus on the particular act under investigation. I was completely truthful about everything except my past drug use. During a Lifestyle polygraph examination, all types of questions as to your personal life may be explored. A Full Scope exam includes both CI and Lifestyle questions. A polygraph test is a test that uses a machine to measure responses from your body during the course of an interview, usually consisting of questions about your past. These are the questions you will be asked to get a baseline reading of your breathing, blood pressure, heart, and perspiration rates. The standard polygraph test is the CQT, or "Control Question Test." Polygraph examinations are perhaps best analogous to the children’s book, “If you Give a Mouse a Cookie,” wherein each time the mouse is given something, he demands more. CI polygraph includes only questions relevant to CI but I do not have personal experience with CI only polygraphs. AFAIK, they ask the same sort of questions they do for a SECRET. The first couple of questions will be to establish … For security clearance and employment screening there are two types of exams—Counterintelligence (CI) and Lifestyle.