However, his heroic moment is cut short when he is hit by the Pacifier's ray and begins shrinking into a baby. Will again has two in quick succession later on when he looks through his father's yearbook and notices that. The sympathy goes away when Gwen reveals she is a de-aged Sue Tenny, not the latter's daughter, and he appropriately squicks out on realizing "I made out with an old lady. Gwen meets the Strongholds and invites them to be the recipients of the very first Hero of the Year Award, which will be presented at the Sky High Homecoming Dance. Ron Wilson, Bus Driver. With a bit of, Taunting her this way turns out to be a horrible idea; she could have just, Gwen Grayson is a very pretty and seductive woman, but she is also a, Penny blows a mocking kiss at the people she locks in the gym, the robot’s eye has a camera inside that the Commander takes as a souvenir, allowing them to see inside the Commander’s lair. $86,369,815[1] At Homecoming, Mr. Layla spruces up houseplants (and picks fruit off of trees), Gwen helps Will in mad science class, Zach illuminates a classroom when the power goes out, Speed and Lash bully kids and dominate gym class, etc. Subverted when Warren offers to heat up Layla's now cold meal. Or - they die. [2], Exterior shots of the Sky High school were filmed at the Oviatt Library[4] at California State University in Northridge.[5]. Happens again in the very same scene when Zach says that if Will loses, they can dunk Ethan's head in the toilet every day until graduation. Will's strength superpower eventually manifests itself during a fight with Warren Peace, whose supervillain father, Baron Battle, was defeated and imprisoned by the Commander. Mr. On one hand, Boomer relegating those not fortunate enough to win the, On the other hand, Will's father Steve thinks Boomer deliberately washes some real heroes' kids out as a form of petty revenge for not making the "big time" (i.e. The film maintains a surprisingly sizable following, despite having generally fallen under the radar. She looks genuinely concerned for him on occasion, most notably when he's being beaten up by the bullies at Save the Citizen, and her angry reaction when Will breaks up with her indicates she actually intended on continuing the relationship even after getting the Pacifier - though precisely, towards Jetstream as Royal Pain turns the Pacifier on him. He then asks Warren for a diaper change. While the costume change never comes up — except to allow Stitches to make a dramatic entrance — it turns out that if you change "supporting your hero" to "supporting each other," then it makes a bunch of seemingly pointless superpowers work together. As such, she and the rest of the geeks were derided and humiliated. Will was head over heels for Gwen and didn't even know the context of her and Layla's altercation, but it doesn't matter - she made his best friend cry, she's, Layla hates him, then Will must have really screwed up. There's a lot of hinting in the first half of the film that he could go either way. Turns out she just wanted the weaponized, When she gets close enough and Penny hits her, it's not even a fight, Speed sneaks into the Secret Sanctum and steals the Pacifier, "My dear Commander, who said anything about killing you? Boy's teachings seem useless at first: how to change costumes instantly, stay out of danger while improvising, and work as a team to support your hero. How I ever lost to a fool like you, I'll never know. There's a prevalent theme in pairing up characters with complementary color themes. But, hey, it's high school. He visits the Secret Sanctum and realizes that the Pacifier has been stolen, and that Gwen is the reincarnation the person who invented it in his father's high school yearbook. Later in the evening, Layla meets Will on the roof of his house and comforts him about his situation. How Will ends up playing Save the Citizen against Lash and Speed. Their son, Will, tries to live up to the family name, but has yet to reveal such powers. Sky High was reviewed favorably in general. The fact that it was several "sidekicks" who helped save the day will presumably do more. It turns out that if someone fires a gun into a crowd, even one that doesn't kill people, the actual adults left will focus on getting the students to safety and leave themselves open to fire while the students themselves regress to blind panic, meaning. Meanwhile, the Commander and Jetstream arrive at Sky High. The whole motivation for Gwen: back when she first attended Sky High as Sue, her powers weren’t fully understood and seen as useless, so she was labeled a science geek and made a sidekick (not to mention during that time period in comics, there weren’t many technopaths). Will flies out of the window and prevents the school from touching down while his friends quickly work to repair the device. Mr. Having Will there would have turned the tides much sooner, Royal Pain punches Will off the edge of the school. Boy luckily catches the pacified Jetstream. And Will, after he gets his powers. The story revolves around Will Stronghold, son of the world's two most famous superheroes, the superstrong Commander (Steve Stronghold) and the flight-based Jetstream (Josie Stronghold). Coach Boomer commands the Sidekicks to take action but his commands are interrupted by a blast and he shrinks into a baby. Gabrion is on death row for the murder. In reality, he's all hero, but everyone thinks he'll go villain anyway, resulting in much anguish for him, leaps into action to rescue a de-aged Josie. Boy opens himself up to an attack from Royal Pain to, The teachers immediately shout at each other in the climax to protect their students, getting. Sky High is a 2005 superhero film directed by Mike Mitchell and produced by Disney. Gwen's technopathic abilities had been treated as a joke, and she was forced into a sidekick role, turning her into a villain. However, when, Warren's school year is never stated in the film itself, and the, Gwen Grayson's name may be a reference to prominent comic book characters, Will has a poster in his room of fellow superhero team, While teaching "English for Hero Support", Mr. He's still capable of talking and retains much of his knowledge, At the end of the movie, Ron Wilson, Bus Driver falls into a vat of toxic waste and does in fact get super powers. His assigned mentor, the Commander, is still operating at his peak, while All-American Boy is now teaching "hero support" classes in the titular hero school. Will failed both tests. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He's pretty angry with her about it, makes an exit with his firepowers to escape the gym. Will panics when he first crosses paths with Warren before their fight in the cafeteria. a supervillain firing a (de-aging) gun into a crowd, taking out several adults (including teachers) before focusing on the panicking students who try to flee for their lives. What is Mr. When Warren threatens his friends, however, Will takes him out with his newly-developed, After being victimized by Speed and Lash earlier in the movie, Ethan plays a major role in, Coach Boomer gleefully picks on his students, but when the villains start actively, Warren is the one who bluntly tells Will that if. His voice is high pitched but his cranium is still massive and can use big words. She protests that they're not supposed to use their powers outside the school, but he explains he was just gonna put it in the microwave. Because they like those colors, you would be exposed to them throughout your childhood. Will admires his father for all the good he doers, but he also feels immense pressure from him to carry on his legacy rather than be his own person. One is an overachiever, the other doesn't, Will, Warren, and Gwen form a foil triangle of children defined by who their fathers are. Just for the audience Dr. DeYoung the words al Quds in Arabic and from the Quran is for the name that they have for Jerusalem. The infants are all returned to their adult state by reversal of the Pacifier's powers, and Royal Pain and her minions are given time to cool off in the detention room while Principal Powers goes off to call the police to take them to prison. Will; "Flying" (flight, speed, agility) from his mother, "Brick" (strength, durability) from his father. Rather than go first or leave anyone behind, he gestures at the Sidekicks to go and takes up the rear, Both Royal Pains, Sue and Gwen, but in particular the former - she had a genuinely amazing power, but nobody realized it in the 1970s, and she was placed on the Sidekick track and thoroughly bullied; it's all but outright stated that one of those bullies was the future Commander, later to be recognized as the greatest superhero in the world. Early on in the movie, it's mentioned that the only way for kids of superheroes that don't get powers to obtain powers of their own is to fall in a vat of toxic waste. They lampshade that they thought she was a sidekick. He also, There's an exchange from the first day at school featuring a guy with laser vision executing. The story revolves around Will Stronghold, son of the world's two most famous superheroes, the superstrong Commander (Steve Stronghold) and the flight-based Jetstream (Josie Stronghold). Will shatters Royal Pain's helmet. Penny may be a heartless henchman, but even. His only possibility of potentially acquiring powers is to fall into toxic waste (which is just as likely to kill him). Warren Peace. The bad guys have been working on their plan for at least seventeen years and likely over twenty, but their "victory" ends up lasting a couple hours max. You think I'd even show up today if that happened? Gwen is less sympathetic, but it's doubtful she had the healthiest upbringing either, having been raised by her "mother's", Given a second chance at high school, Sue/Gwen became pretty, popular and powerful and dumped all over the sidekicks... exactly what she wanted revenge for from her first time around, Will believes that Gwen’s mother was the original Royal Pain, who was seemingly killed in their last battle against the Commander, and that this is Gwen’s motivation for revenge. Boy's teachings and clever strategies to. SH: Well that was a major major blow to the hierarchy the Iranian Revolutionary Guard which basically the way I try to explain it to people is that the IRGC would be like a combination of the FBI and the CIA along with special forces.Soleimani headed up the Quds Force. During Will's conversation with the nurse. Thankfully, he discovers he can fly. If she did, is this heartwarming or. The fight is ended after the principal takes them to the special detention room, which is designed to neutralize all super powers. but Will admits he was joking about that. The co-worker was later linked to a man named Marvin Gabrion, whom Rachel was preparing to testify against for raping her the previous year. ", Will, Layla, Warren, and the sidekicks fight Royal Pain's invasion during Homecoming. None of them seem to even be trying to use any powers to aid the situation since the, actively breeding supervillains from both arrogant heroes and bitter sidekicks, There are scant but definitely existent hints that Gwen's feelings for Will might be becoming real, though it's not elaborated on much. It de-ages anyone who is unlucky enough to encounter its beam. Played straight for most of the movie, as most of the kids' power uses fall under this heading. Gwen unexpectedly uses Will's house to throw a party for the heroes while his parents are saving the city. He's ready to fire as Speed tries to taunt him while keeping his distance. On Rotten Tomatoes,[6] it earned a "fresh" rating of 72% positive reviews (85 positive, 33 negative). Layla won't use her powers except in self-defense. Coach Boomer drops a car on Will to test his strength and a spring trap to determine whether he could fly. Unlike Gwen and Stitches, they're never given any, real purpose. Staying out of the way means that Warren only has to worry about himself and Ethan, The villains failing to recruit him bites them in the climax when he helps the Sidekicks escape and stands up to them, fully cementing himself as a hero. However, he is far from decrepit and is still able to help the heroes. Boy offers a morose Layla a drink, assuring her that the bubbles in the punch are "only" ginger ale. For that matter, what's the full story on, When Steve is on the phone with his customer Mr. Timmerman at the beginning of the film, the latter's first name is stated to be "Burt." Gwen/Sue Tenny/Royal Pain is this to Layla. The business card of Ron Wilson, Bus Driver. [2] After recruiting comedy writers Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley for polishing Hernandez's script, Disney hired several comedians like Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley and Kevin Heffernan for supporting roles. Also played straight: ehile Sky High's location changes regularly to foil attacks or villain recruitment, it lacks a force field or anything beyond voluntarily followed rules to prevent anyone getting flung off the edge of the school and falling to their death if they can't fly. Will seems to be making some headway into Gwen by means of, Gwen uses him to host a party at his house and hurts Layla's feelings, dumps Gwen when the latter makes Layla cry, and he ends up being crucial in the fight against Royal Pain, not exactly the sort of person you'd expect to turn out to be the hero's girlfriend, Gwen Grayson, Professor Medulla when he's regressed to a baby. For the treatment of the teenage actors, Mitchell also stated that the actors all had their own trailer and were generally kept separated, because "we did not want them to date after the second week and break up after the fourth", which would have made filming difficult. Needless to say, she winds up proving them wrong, in Will's house under the pretense of it being the "Homecoming" committee. Inverted: the launch ramp for the Sky High school bus is marked with a number of signs so no ordinary driver goes near it. Warren Peace gives her a run for her money. Sky High is a 2005 American superhero comedy film from Walt Disney Pictures. His parents are a superhero and supervillain. Josie gets one in the climax. ", he's lost Layla, lost Gwen, and lost all his other friends for the sake of a popularity that he's now likely lost too. Did Tigerman get bit by a radioactive tiger, or was he bit by a regular tiger and then exposed to radiation? The latter immediately split up the former in the ensuing fight, not allowing them to work as a team. When the Commander and Jetstream recognize the kids as heroes - and the Commander (for the first time ever), Also seems to be a latent ability within every superhero, During a deleted scene, Josie performs an, Layla gets shunted into the sidekick track for refusing to participate in the. Jill Talley is an American film, television and voice actress. William Theodore "Will" Stronghold is the protagonist of Sky High, as well as the narrator of the film's opening and ending. Kurt Russell and company go back to high school to learn what it means to be super in Sky High. Will and Layla, who he's known since first grade, get together, They also both have serious axes to grind with Sky High's system, but while Layla resists nonviolently, Gwen, is also the (adopted) daughter of a supervillain, raised by him for the sole purpose of revenge. In the airborne high school, "Sky High", Will fails the Power Placement, the test that determines whether you will be a hero or sidekick based on your abilities. Royal Pain got hit by it in her final fight with Will's parents, and she gets her revenge by turning it on them. $35 million[1] Perhaps most tantalizingly, was the Hero-Sidekick dichotomy abolished following the Royal Pain incident, or did it somehow manage to survive? As seen in the page quote, Nurse Spex mentions that kids who fall into vats of. Boomer is also implied to have washed out of a formal superheroic career and takes his bitterness out on his students. Nowadays, her powers are seen for the useful and versatile abilities they are, but it's averted when we find out it's actually her façade slipping and her revealing her true character, Gwen/Sue Tenny/Royal Pain forces Will out of Sky High's window only for him to use his mother's flying powers to return to the school, go after Gwen since he, Ethan and Layla can handle Penny, Lash and Speed. The Commission is composed of the College of Commissioners from 27 EU countries. Does anyone else need a date for homecoming? Speed and Lash, who even pick on teachers. Official website Layla meets up with Warren Peace at the restaurant, and eventually the two end up forming a sort of alliance, designed to get back at Will and make him jealous of them as a 'couple'. Mr. [2] For the main roles, the casting was a mix of established and new teenager actors: while Michael Angarano and Mary Elizabeth Winstead were already successful, Danielle Panabaker was little-known and Steven Strait (a former model) was hired after his first audition ever. Interestingly enough, it took, when Royal Pain starts turning everyone into babies, his first act is to tell Warren to get as many people as he can out while he tries to slow her down, if Layla hates Will, then Will must have really screwed up, Gwen apparently just couldn't resist being rude to Layla at the party, which leads to Will deciding not to go to the dance with her, which also leads to him uncovering the, Penny and her clones reveal that if they stay in the school everyone will die, since Royal Pain is going to blow it out of the sky. Will dumps her and calls Layla a dozen times begging for her forgiveness. Budget The sidekicks are trained in Hero Support class by a retired sidekick who had once worked with the Commander, but is unknown to Will since his parents had never made mention of him. stays behind to give the main kids the chance to escape, it's the source of the majority of the conflict, Ron Wilson was outside swinging a broom like a weapon, turns it on a failing student who confused rays with beams, Ron Wilson is outside swinging a broom like a weapon, though some sources call him a freshman too, teachers are more concerned about saving the students, Those who can't do, teach, and those who can't teach, teach gym, multiple convenient coincidences that make them useful, awkward improvised moves made up for with sheer brawn, the other villains Steve took trophies from, for what he has been doing all these years, doesn't control water, he can "melt" into some kind of liquid (and can't do anything while in it). One's powers are derived from technology, the other's from nature. Flying in balloons, he performed using trapeze acrobatics and parachute descents. As he proves his powers, he begins to grow more and more distant from his friends, including Layla, and eventually ends up standing her up for a dinner appointment in favor of hanging out with Gwen. After Will fights with Warren, Powers sends them to the detention room since fighting in schools is prohibited. Boy is the only one who resists it for a fairly long while, and he needs to be hit twice for it to take effect, picking on Sue Tenny in high school. He reconciles completely with Layla, then takes on Royal Pain alone, and while fighting her, is thrown out the window and off Sky High. Despite being built by Royal Pain, the whole, Will shows empathy for Royal Pain being bullied as a sidekick when apologizing to Gwen for what his dad did to "her mom". The defeated Royal Pain triggers the sabotaged anti-gravity device, causing Sky High to fall. Will finally reveals to his father that he is only a sidekick and admits that he has no superpowers, but his father still maintains the belief that he will yet turn out to be a great superhero. At the end. Layla's in the geeky crowd but is still considered quite pretty, and she gets a more traditional nerd hitting on her during her very first day of school. Warren has to live with the stigma of having one of the world's worst supervillains for a father, and everyone expects him to turn out the same rather than care about who he really is. The Unrealized Sky High Sequel Could Have Been Called Save University, Walt Disney PicturesGunn Films The sidekicks band together in an attempt to stop Royal Pain and each has a chance to exercise their superpowers to full potential. Josie also has reddish hair, though she's a heroine herself and already married to a fellow hero. This comes in handy when she has to fight Penny, who thus has no idea what Layla is capable of when she really cuts loose. It turns out she still has it out for the Commander and plans her revenge by de-aging him and Jetstream so they'll know what it's like, put his de-aged father (who is now a helpless infant) down, Gwen gives the baby Commander to Stitches before she finishes her. This was also the first Disney-owned superhero movie scored by Michael Giacchino (The Incredibles doesn't count). Distributor Boy look as pathetic as possible for laughs. ", "I forget. Royal Pain wasn't my mother. For Magenta, at least, staying out of the climactic fight. Released Cue him being lauded as such, getting, gets tossed out one of the school's windows, and then the heredity from his mother manifests itself as, Will flies back in through the broken gym window after Gwen throws him off the edge of the school during the final battle, dumps Gwen when the latter makes Layla cry and leave Will's house in a rush. From there, he works out the connection between her and Gwen, he shoots out his arm in a triumphant punch like, his mother's power is flight, and so it's not implausible to inherit abilities from, Royal Pain to put a spy camera in the secret hideout, allows Royal Pain to steal back the Pacifier. When the nurse and Will were talking about inherited superpowers (or lack thereof). 54 Likes, 13 Comments - Residents (@lapmrresidency) on Instagram: “Resident’s Corner: Name: David Huy Blumeyer, MD Year in residency: PGY-4 Where were you born…” However, if you think too hard about the plot, Glowing, melting, and shapeshifting into a guinea pig are all seen as lame powers by Boomer. Will. In the end, not only Will and Layla started dating, Royal Pain and her gang are now in jail, Warren and Will are now best friends, and Ron Wilson, the bus driver for the school who was born with no powers to superhero parents, was covered in toxic waste that gave him the power to become a giant and now works for the mayor to stop giant robots. That robot eye is still functioning and being used by Royal Pain (who sent the robot to attack the city in the first place) to secretly spy on the heroes. She just shoots him with the Pacifier to make him regress into being a baby. Chronically unappreciated All-American Boy is the past-his-prime sidekick without the retired superhero. In fact, minutes after Warren's above protest, he lights a candle in the restaurant he works at with his powers. Will, when his powers awaken in the middle of a fight with Warren. Language Ron Wilson, Bus Driver taking time to mention the school's anti-gravity device. Gwen/Sue Tenny/Royal Pain hates when Stitches calls her "Daddy's little girl". Played with in regards to Boomer's Hero-Sidekick sorting. Gwen starts to act this way as the movie goes on. Her yearbook picture is Mary Elizabeth Winstead—who plays Gwen—. It's not hard to see why she snapped. Baby Medulla speaks up from his Car Seat. At the end of his first day at high school, the Commander entrusts him with the 'key' to the family's Secret Sanctum (after promising that he will never bring anyone else there); the place where all the family's trophies of past victories are kept, including a strange device called the "Pacifier". He is the son of a famous superhero couple, the Commander and Jetstream, but does not seem to have inherited any powers until mid-film. Between dealing with Girl Next Door Layla (plant controller), son-of-archnemesis Jerk with a Heart of Gold Warren Peace (fireball thrower) and the typical cliques of high school (being either a hero or "Hero Support"), Will must also face the embarrassing fact that, despite his pedigree, he does not seem to have any superpowers. Le Hobbit (The Hobbit) ou Bilbo le Hobbit est un roman de fantasy de l’écrivain britannique J. R. R. Tolkien.Il narre les aventures du hobbit Bilbo (ou Bilbon), entraîné malgré lui par le magicien Gandalf et une compagnie de treize nains dans leur voyage vers la Montagne Solitaire, avec pour but de se réapproprier le trésor volé et gardé par le dragon Smaug. It was directed by Mike Mitchell and was written by Paul Hernandez, Robert Schooley, and Mark McCorkle. Royal Pain versus Steve the second time. He shows up wearing one that used to belong to his Dad. Will misses Gwen's advice on how not to fall off the edge of the school on his first day due to being. Sue was going to high school in the late 70s, when tech as she knew it was primitive compared to today's technology (even by evil genius standards). Did Warren have genuine feelings for Layla? The current Royal Pain was believed to be the original's daughter, but she was the original after being de-aged. He is about to start high school at the titular Sky High, a school exclusively for people with superpowers and his parents' alma mater. Will manages to cope through his school experience, spending all his time with his fellow sidekicks, and his best friend Layla, however, they suffer bullying from the students classified as "Hero". It was released in theaters on July 29, 2005. Rachel's body was later found floating in Oxford lake. Cinematography by Unlike Warren, she gleefully lets this fact define her, but those were the superpowers he developed later on, because the selfsame Gwen, as Royal Pain, pushes him off, Penny, Speed, and Lash, apparently.