The U. S. failed to recognize that the Vietnam was a civil war, and most of the wars in which we engaged--most notably WWI and WWII--were … I actually searched what men carried in Vietnam, so I guess the article and all of your comments answered my question. The Vietnam War was a long, drawn-out, and pretty terrible war for everyone involved, particularly the Vietnamese civilians who were on the receiving end of much of the violence. Vietnam had been a French colony before it was occupied by the Japanese during World War Two. Vietnam, The Necessary War: A Reinterpretation of America’s Most Disastrous Military Conflict. The Vietnam War was the first conflict that saw wide scale tactical deployment of helicopters. Library of Congress. More than 47,000 U.S. military personnel were killed in action during the war. As a consequence, the Vietnam War had a profound impact on these countries, … During the Vietnam War, for example, photographs and footage brought the conflict home to the American people. Vietnam eventually fell completely to communism. Cold War tensions ran high as the country relentlessly fought against the alleged evils of communism. The Vietnam War is still commonly considered as the longest war that the U.S. has ever involved in its entire history. It was the source of many conflicting political and social opinions, especially in the years leading up to its conclusion. US Navy. Myth: The media have reported that suicides among Vietnam veterans range from 50,000 to 100,000 – 6 to 11 times the non-Vietnam … Beginning in September, the Khanh government was succeeded by a bewildering array of cliques and coalitions, some of which stayed in power less than a month. The Vietnam War was a military conflict fought primarily in Southern Vietnam in the years between 1959 and 1975. Shocking images such as Nick Ut's "Napalm Girl" and Eddie Adams' "Saigon Execution" have become synonymous with the widespread outrage and disapproval of the war in the United States. Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam. When someone’s name was called, he had to report to his local draft board, which was made up of various … As a result, President Nixon ended all U.S. interventions in Vietnam and the rest of Southeast Asia in 1973. In reality, it was an international war between the French at first and then the United States and its allies on the side of South Vietnam, and the Communist Bloc on the side of North Vietnam Logevall, Fredrik. Much of this was the result of sustained American bombing missions. The conflict expanded into neighbouring countries like Laos and Cambodia, where North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong soldiers moved and operated. The American people did not feel like their government was being held accountable. America had originally entered the war to prevent the Communist North Vietnamese and … Vietnam War - Vietnam War - The United States enters the war: Between the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the U.S. presidential election in November 1964, the situation in Vietnam had changed for the worse. Therefore, the war became increasingly unpopular as 71 % of American citizens at home thought the war was a mistake and 58% thought it was immoral. Life was a mixed bag for the U.S. soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War… The Vietnam War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh Việt Nam), also known as the Second Indochina War and in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America or simply the American War, was an undeclared war in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. At the same time, advances in video and audio recording enabled both easier and more news coverage. Draft Lottery results for the Vietnam War in 1969 1969 Draft Lottery during the Vietnam War Vietnam draft lottery focused on 19 year old men December 1, 1969 was the first draft lottery held since 1942, during World War II. Learn why a country that had been barely known to most Americans came to … Selective Service System drawing lottery numbers to determine who would and would not be drafted. In the latter role it was outfitted with a variety of armaments including M60 machine guns, multi-barreled 7.62 mm Miniguns and unguided air-to-surface … Fact: 2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. Vietnam is one of the world's poorest countries, and since the end of the war population pressure and the effects of the US-led economic blockade have cruelly taxed the renewable resource base of the country. Vietnam Magazine Staff. The Vietnam War (1954–75) was fought between the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam (known as the Viet Cong) on one side, and the government of South Vietnam and its key ally, the United States, on the other, and it defined America in the second half of the 20th century. In the beginning of the war, names of all American men in draft-age were collected by the Selective Service System. The enemy of the U.S. was any type of Communist but it was the Northern Vietnam that was the enemy in the Vietnam war. The North was supported by China and the Soviet Union while the South was supported by the United States, Thailand, Australia, and South Korea. In 1971, the Pentagon Papers were leaked, revealing confidential information about the war. The Vietnam War (also known as Second Indochina War or American War in Vietnam) lasted from 1 November 1955–30 April 1975, (19 years, 5 months, 4 weeks and 1 day).It was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China and North Korea, while South Vietnam was supported by the United States, South … It was the desire to spread communism versus the desire to stop it. A map of modern day Laos, showing its location west of Vietnam. Soon enough there might be a huge number of Communist countries that would dominate. The vietnam war Pictures That Moved Them Most While the Vietnam War raged — roughly two decades’ worth of bloody and world-changing years — … It functions equally as well as either an interceptor or a fighter-bomber. Summary of the Vietnam War: The Vietnam War is the commonly used name for the Second Indochina War, 1954–1975. The Vietnam war was the first conflict to be widely broadcast on television, though it was well known that the weapon had been used in the Pacific and in Korea, its effects had never before been seen so directly by the public. As Kemf puts it: "More forests have been lost in Vietnam since the US/Vietnam war ended in 1975 than during it. Vietnam War American soldiers exit a helicopter during Operation Oregon in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War began in the decade before, but the conflict, and especially U.S. involvement, escalated in the 1960s. Similarly, the Vietnam War, American troops in South Korea and other US forces in Southeast Asia to guard against Communist influence (including China and the Soviet Union) kept the Communists busy and drew away their attacks. New York: Free Press, 2002. The threat they posed was that the neighboring countries of Vietnam would turn into communists (Domino Theory). This drawing determined the order of induction for men born between January 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950. It was fought in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between North and South Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, young men gathered in college dorms and friends’ homes to listen to live TV and radio broadcasts of the U.S. The Vietnam War (1955–75) was a time of great controversy in the United States. This action was the largest naval engagement of the Vietnam War. Another American aircraft, the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather long-range supersonic jet aircraft. The Vietnam War lasted from 1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975, officially between North Vietnam (North Vietnam) and South Vietnam (South Vietnam). Originally developed for the United States Navy for carrier duty, the F-4 Phantom II saw a lot of action during the Vietnam War. By 1969, more than half a million Americans were stationed in Vietnam. The Vietnam War represents the fight between communism and capitolism, the fight of the Cold War. Very interesting article, thank you! Berkeley, CA: University of … The Vietnam War is also known as the Second Indochina War. The Vietnam War was critical for many actors throughout Southeast Asia, not only due to the war itself but also the shifts in local political dynamics. The Vietnam War was the first war ever published and the image of innocent children being injured and killed appalled the American audience back at home. The outcome of the Vietnam War was humiliation for the United States. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted.Approximately 70% of those killed in Vietnam were volunteers. I have such curiousity because I was born in the early 80’s, my grandfather served in WWII and my dad just missed Vietnam by the time he was old enough to enlist. In the north, 29 of the 30 provincial capitals had sustained heavy bombing damage, one-third of them almost utterly destroyed. Basically, the Vietnam War was a microcosm of the Cold War during that time period. The Vietnam War did not remain within the borders of Vietnam. Dive bombing in Vietnam. The U.S. entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism, but foreign policy, economic interests, national fears, and geopolitical strategies also played major roles. The Vietnam War had taken a severe toll on Vietnamese farmland, industry and infrastructure. Myth: Common belief is that most Vietnam veterans were drafted. Usually it refers to the period when the United States and other members of the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) joined the forces with the Republic of South Vietnam to contest communist forces, comprised of South Vietnamese guerrillas and … It began from 1 November 1955 and came to the end with the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. During the Vietnam War, about two-third of American troops were volunteered, the rest were selected for military service through the drafts. The Bell UH-1 Iroquois nicknamed "Huey" was used extensively in counter-guerilla operations both as a troop carrier and a gunship. The Vietnam War Selective Service Lottery.