Here’s what could happen if China invaded Taiwan Analysts have gamed out scenarios of a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan for years. If the US were to be threatened with invasion, martial law would be declared, posse comitatus suspended, and the US armed forces would be able to legally be … Photo illustration by Lisa Larson-Walker. What would happen if Canada was invaded by the US? by Michael Peck One of the most momentous decisions in history was Adolf Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. If someone invaded us and introduced a new system of governance that was better, could deliver services more efficiently, etc, I would sing praises to our new rulers. What I am saying is if both the east and west coast were invaded by millions of foot soldiers that would … Comments are welcome.-0-0-0-Richard Snow is a former economist now studying international relations at La Trobe University in Australia. what would happen if the uk was invaded and occupied by a country such as china or north korea? However, if we consider a scenario where Canadian/US relations deteriorate over say 5-10 years, I think thats more … 2. By Quora Contributor Aug 02, 2015 7:53 AM Not a chance. Like others have said, the US would never have allowed it to happen. Hey you never know if this could happen but America would probably have a nuke war before this happens. Many history buffs suggest that had Germany invaded the UK instead of the USSR, the result probably would have been the same, because the USSR would eventually join the fight against Hitler’s tyrannical plan. The USA theoretically would assist us if we were invaded in any scenario however, I do see your point of the US not wanting to provoke nuclear war if it was China who invaded, they may not assist us to save their own skins. /end topic Okay, new topic, what would happen if Vatican City was attacked/invaded by the IDF. If the US still stood after Europe fell to the Nazis, Hitler promised, they would have to face the full onslaught from the Third Reich. Or, for that matter, congress could declare martial law, in which case, the US military may be employed in policing or combat duties in the US. The only countries that can ever invade the US would be either Mexico or Canada. In the time it took the US to invade Japan, the Soviets have already invaded Manchuria, all of Korea, and the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Swiss Guard. read more The US can’t be invaded, but for reasons most of us would never think about. I'd hope to learn from them and be able to do the same thing It would leave their main border totally vulnerable. How? If they try it with airliners we would see them coming. Let us assume that USA is thinking of invading Cuba (which will not happen) First it will advertise all around the world that its motto in invading Cuba is to restore democracy which is currently run by a dictator. hello RE:if China invaded North America what would happen? I'm not suggesting that Russia would actually do this, nor am I implying that they would gain anything from it. First, they have to get over here. Placing all of them under a communist puppet regime. What would happen if Russia invaded the UK in attempt to occupy the land? Using the historic grievances that Mexico has, especially over territorial loss in the 1848 war, Hitler could have encouraged the … Most of them foresee China going for a quick knockout, in … Canada in WW2 had one of the largest navies in the world and would have decimated any attempted invasion through the St. Lawrence, … What would happen if Australia was invaded by a foreign country? It’s hard to say exactly what would go down if aliens invaded Earth, as it’s yet to happen - and might never even occur. Update: This is just a hypothetical question. Here’s what might happen if the U.S. were to suddenly quit Iraq Army soldiers from the 82nd Airborne board an aircraft at Fort Bragg, N.C., to be deployed to the Middle East on Jan. 1. But what if the Soviet Union had also faced a two-front war? What If Hitler Never Invaded Russia During World War II? Our Navy is smaller now than it was in 1917 but we certainly could stop the Chinese Navy. How the world has changed for America's oldest president: US population was 135 million, country was 89% white and minimum wage was 30 cents when Biden, 78, was born back in 1942 4/27/2004 8:14:44 PM I believe that before even a major ground assault by the US takes place, the massive US Airforce armed with the state of the art aircrafts F15s, F117s and others, would completely break the back of the Chinese Land Forces. But in the case Here’s what could happen if China invaded Taiwan On paper, the military balance heavily favors Beijing. So this Cold War stands off is now What Would Have Happened if Germany Had Invaded the U.S. During World War II? Granted, if US invaded right now Canada would be pooched without much resistance. 15 Things That Would Happen If The Bullet Club Really Invaded WWE The Bullet Club's recent attempt to invade RAW was only a taste... 15 Things That Would Happen If The Bullet Club Really Invaded WWE By Michael Chin Oct 02, 2017 thinking of doing some writing and ive chosen this for the topic What could happen if China invaded Taiwan Covid-19: Despite virus shutdown, North Korea to stage huge parade Looking for a solution to turn your home from ordinary to extraordinary? If they didn’t, he’d make them. Without the US-led intervention in 2003, the Hussein family would likely still be ruling from Baghdad. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Here is an interesting question, what if America was invaded by land, by another huge army. It would leave their main border totally vulnerable. From there, they would have rolled over poorly defended Canada, from which they would have launched a massive invasion from the sparsely populated North-Western US. Even then an invasion would be highly improbable. « on: July 13, 2007, 03:42:51 » Now, before saying do a search and locking me, I have searched, and sorry its like 0330 and Im just going to go on a rant. what would it be like and how would the country respond?