It can be hard to tell how someone feels about you if you mostly or only text with them. If he is constantly dropping hints that he would rather be with you than just communicate over text, girl, this is a huge sign that he actually likes you. Talk to him about your day and open up so he can see that you like him too. It shows you’re the first person to come to mind the moment he opens his eyes and the last before he goes to bed. 5 Possible Explanations. If you are wondering how to tell if a guy likes you over text, one of the things he would do is to compliment you regularly. Life doesn’t have to be too complicated. He asks you random questions because he just wants to talk to you. Sound like a familiar story? They flirt through getting to know if you are fun and stable. Men naturally like to come off as problem solvers. He will text you even days or a day before the main event to remind you. You probably know how to tell if a guy likes you through text. If he finds the time to respond to your texts when he’s partying, you’re very important to him. If you have some inside jokes, it shows that you’ve created a special bond. So you have to carefully take note and look out for them during your conversations. He’s consistent with sending you good morning and good night texts. This is especially true if he uses flirty emojis, such as the one with the heart eyes, the one that signifies a kiss, and the smiley with its tongue out. When people flirt, they use special nicknames to seem cute and create a deeper connection. So how can you know if your convo with your crush is flirty or friendly? While flirting is fairly apparent when done in person, the faceless plane of the internet can make a guy's behaviour a lot harder to read. He doesn’t want to keep you waiting and looks forward to talking to you. Whatever plans he makes with you, if he wants to spend time with you in person, it’s a great sign. A man who’s into you will offer his help when you’re having difficulty with something. A man who answers your texts with one word is not a man who’s into you. Well, maybe he wants to first make sure that you like him back. He is probably wondering how to tell whether you like him over text too. The sweetest way to end a conversation is to wish each other a good night. When you get to this point you shouldn’t be working yourself up to find out if he likes you, because your heart says it all. This is a very clear sign he likes you, especially if the texting seems aimless. And the truth is our whole love lives can hang on a few measly words written in a text.Kinda sad but it’s the reality of the smartphone generation. When people are texting, they could be doing anything at that moment. He likes you to a point where he’d rather take the chance. This behavior shows that you easily pop up in his mind, he likes you enough to tell you what he's thinking and … That being said, if he sends them to … This means that he wants to connect with you and create a good rapport. This is another thing you should pay attention to. When he makes plans to talk to you again, he clearly likes you. just tell her you feel you noticed signs. Here’s how to tell if a guy likes you over text: Knowing how to tell if a guy likes you over text is pretty easy if he’s showing this obvious sign. Your email address will not be published. I am here to help you with that and it will be much easier once you know about these giveaway signs. Maybe he tells you about what the two of you would be doing if he was there? If he likes you, he will show it and you will know he does. If you have any close friends that he also texts who you can trust not to report back to him, ask them about how he texts and compare how he … Since texting has become a norm now, getting to know someone new and developing that relationship has become much easier. He also pays attention to little details about the things that you tell him. If he’s showing these signs, you can be sure that he’s into you. You deserve to be with a man who’ll always send you goodnight texts. You get funny messages from him because he cares about making you laugh. Where do you stand with him? Men aren’t great at remembering details unless they’re interested in a woman. If he also gives you a special nickname, he likes you a lot. You talk about a lot of things and it turns into one very long conversation that lasts the whole day. If he is really interested in you, he won’t settle for just texting. He will also care about impressing you with that solution. Just how clear this sign is, depends on the amount of alcohol the other person has in their system. When a guy is constantly texting you, virtually all day, sustaining your conversations and telling you how much he enjoys talking to you, then that is a pretty good sign.