Jensen, B. M.; Li, Jin-Ping; Naguib, Mahmoud; Le Beguec, Celine; Wu, Xiaofen; Hassan, Wafaa M. M.; Johnson, Jeremy; Erkelens, Amanda M.; Rubin, Carl-Johan; Lindgren, G. To pace or not to pace: a pilot study of four- and five-gaited Icelandic horses homozygous for the DMRT3 'Gait Keeper' mutation. Lindstedt, Heidi Elisabeth H.; A multi-locus association analysis method integrating phenotype and expression data reveals multiple novel associations to flowering time variation in wild-collected Arabidopsis thaliana. Siegel, Paul B; Spang, Anja; Enbody, Erik D.; Nowak-Sliwinska, Patrycja; Bächinger, Hans Peter; Yu, Ming-Wei; Fuerst, John; Forsberg-Nilsson, Karin. Kiat, Yosef; Kitajewski, Jan; Daugas, Eric; van de Goot, Frank; David, Audrey; Kireta, Dona; Simianer, H. Analysis of porcine body size variation using re-sequencing data of miniature and large pigs, Antibiotic Resistance: Selection in the Presence of Metals and Antimicrobials, Ramey, AM; Rhen, Mikael, Muramyl Endopeptidase Spr Contributes to Intrinsic Vancomycin Resistance in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium, Gunnarsson, Rebeqa; Akusjärvi, Göran; Lindahl, Johanna; Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, Katarzyna; Rojas, Danny; Johnson, Jeremy; Baecklund, Eva; Gaunt, Michael W.; Brisbin, I. Lehr, Jr.; Koltookian, Michele; Jiang, Ziqin; Singh, Kailash; Karlsson, Åsa; Weller, Karsten; Bui-Ngoc, Anh; Skandalis, Spyros S. Regulation of hyaluronan biosynthesis and clinical impact of excessive hyaluronan production, Andrade, Pedro; Kironde, Fred; Sandling, Johanna K.; Andersson, Leif; Wainaina, Martin; Eckhard, Ulrich; Hedgecock, Charles; Alfsnes, Kristian; Lindberg, Ann; Ekwall, Olov; Smith, Lois E. H.; Karpinski, Emil; Källman, Thomas; Tinker, Martin T; de Boer, Imke J. M.; Cheung, Jonathan; Heier, Christopher R.; Lindahl, Johanna; Warsi, Omar M.; Vidal, Pia M.; Wiklund, Christer; Sellin, Mikael E. Salmonella Typhimurium discreet-invasion of the murine gut absorptive epithelium. Heyman, Birgitta, IgG Suppresses Antibody Responses to Sheep Red Blood Cells in Double Knock-Out Mice Lacking Complement Factor C3 and Activating Fc gamma-Receptors, IL-6 trans-signaling causes endothelial cell activation and barrier dysfunction in hantavirus infection, Ariens, Robert; Fife, Mark; Waluk, Dominik; Heldin, Carl-Henrik; Larsson, Simon; Leijon, Alexandra; Van de Peer, Yves; Heldin, Paraskevi, Has2 natural antisense RNA and Hmga2 promote Has2 expression during TGFβ-induced EMT in breast cancer, Heparan sulfate proteoglycan - A common receptor for diverse cytokines, Hermano, Esther; Schlather, M.; Petrovec, Miroslav; El Zowalaty, Ahmed E.; Rafati, Nima; Bondeson, Kåre; Punga, Tanel; Bonna, Arkadiusz; Lopez-Fernandez, Margarita; Kampe, Olle; Elvers, Ingegerd; Yetkin-Arik, Bahar; Heldin, Carl-Henrik; Gati, Cornelius; Wu, Yingzhou; Rattei, Thomas; Andersson, Leif; Højlund, Kurt; Alfoldi, Jessica; Oldroyd, Benjamin P.; Charrel, Remi; Mostafa, Ahmed; Lund, Signe; Angkititrakul, Sunpetch; Kim, J-H, Interactions between CXCR4 and CXCL12 promote cell migration and invasion of canine hemangiosarcoma, Ahmed Osman, Omneya; Vidal, Marc; Olsen, Bjorn; Matei, Ioana A.; Lopes, R. J.; Lindskog, Cecilia; Hepojoki, Jussi; Jemth, Per; Moreno, Lucile; Huseby, Douglas L.; Expression of the heparan sulfate biosynthesis enzymes NDST1 and NDST2 and their major splice variants in human tissues. Johansson, Staffan; Shimshoni, Elee; Razmara, Masoud; Park, Hae-Sim; Bohlin, Jon; Bekkevold, Dorte; Li, Jinxiu; Dorshorst, Ben; Karlsson, Elinor; GeurtsvanKessel, Corine; Osbjer, K.; Alving, Kjell; Andersson, Dan I. Duplication-Insertion Recombineering: a fast and scar-free method for efficient transfer of multiple mutations in bacteria, Carneiro, Miguel; Kullberg, Joel; Polyhach, Yevhen; Hardt, Wolf-Dietrich, Salmonella persisters promote the spread of antibiotic resistance plasmids in the gut, Screening for double carbapenem therapies effective against multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Han, Fan; Sokheng, Choup; Morén, Anita; Sahni, Nidhi; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Dykhuizen, Daniel E. Different adaptive strategies in E-coli populations evolving under macronutrient limitation and metal ion limitation, Albinsson, Bo; Tikunov, Artem Yu. Gavrilin, Mikhail A; Nordlund, Stefan; Shouval, Dror S. Enhanced Collagen Deposition in the Duodenum of Patients with Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome and Protein Losing Enteropathy, El-Wekil, Mohamed M.; Hardt, Wolf-Dietrich. Dejana, Elisabetta; Jonsson, Jörgen; Vögeli, Beat, Backbone and side-chain chemical shift assignments of full-length, apo, human Pin1, a phosphoprotein regulator with interdomain allostery. Li, Ning, Multiple ancestral haplotypes harboring regulatory mutations cumulatively contribute to a QTL affecting chicken growth traits. Perez i de lanuza, Guillem; Solution structure of discoidal high-density lipoprotein particles with a shortened apolipoprotein A-I. Chauhan, Devendra S.; Lee, Mi Ok; Blanco, Gonzalo, Proteomic resolution of IGFN1 complexes reveals a functional interaction with the actin nucleating protein COBL, Quantitative In-Depth Analysis of the Mouse Mast Cell Transcriptome Reveals Organ-Specific Mast Cell Heterogeneity. Olsson, Anna-Karin; Zarnegar, Behdad; Åberg, Emma; A Pelagic Outbreak Of Avian Cholera In North American Gulls: Scavenging As A Primary Mechanism For Transmission? Shivaiah, Ashwini; Saupe, Falk; Hughes, Diarmaid, Alternative Evolutionary Pathways for Drug-Resistant Small Colony Variant Mutants in Staphylococcus aureus, An Ago2-associated capped transcriptional start site small RNA suppresses adenovirus DNA replication, Broeckx, Bart J. G.; Ilan, Neta; Soler, Lucile; Omdal, Roald; Liu, Qingquan, Diagnostic performance of initial blood urea nitrogen combined with D-dimer levels for predicting in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients, Dissecting the Genetic Regulation of Yeast Growth Plasticity in Response to Environmental Changes, Alim, Abdul; Balloux, Francois; Andersson, Dan I; Preisinger, Ruedi; Peng, Jeffrey W.; Paulis, Yvette W. J.; Bryant, Juliet E.; Pejler, Gunnar; Sandberg, Monica; Raica, Marius; Lamsal, Alaka; Hughes, Diarmaid; Tan, Ken; Deka, Ram Pratim; Kolliopoulos, Constantinos; Lundkvist, Åke; Riva, Nicoletta; Hultin-Rosenberg, Lina; IMBIM dokument för undervisning Oftedal, Bergithe E.; Sonkoly, Enikö; Albulescu, Laura-Oana; Cooper, Kerry K.; Burga, Rosa; Heldin, Carl-Henrik; Kerje, Susanne; Siegbahn, A, A stromal cell population in the large intestine identified by tissue factor expression that is lost during colorectal cancer progression, Olsson, M.; Maccarana, Marco; Lykkjen, Sigrid; Hanson, Stefan; Rutland, Mark. Babina, Arianne M.; Hossain, Md. Lennerstrand, Johan, Worldwide prevalence of baseline resistance-associated polymorphisms and resistance mutations in HCV against current direct-acting antivirals, Bamyaci, Sarp; Garber, Manuel; Menkis, Audrius; Deindl, Sebastian; Jern, Patric; Holmes, Edward C.; Eriksson, Linnea; Feng, Xiao; Schiffer, Philipp H.; Wess, G.; Berthold, Dorothée L.; Spillman, Dorothe; Tang, Po-Cheng; Glimelius, Bengt; Chen, Joe P. J.; Jemth, Per; Heldin, Carl-Henrik; Lilja, Tua; Weiss, Batia; Vaha, Juha-Pekka; Digre, Andreas; Inflammation boosts bacteriophage transfer between Salmonella spp. Grant, B. Rosemary; Li, Xue; Jensen, Jens-Kjeld; Grabherr, Manfred; Schmidt, Sabine; Chenoweth, Alicia M.; Stuhr, Linda; Arendt, Maja; Discovery and structure-activity relationships of a novel isothiazolone class of bacterial type II topoisomerase inhibitors, Punga, Tanel; Yori, Pablo Penataro; Klaesson, Axel; Jendresen, Charlotte; Maslen, Sarah L.; Salvi, Daniele; Dirksen, Philipp; Ercan, Onur; Järhult, Josef D. Urbanization and the dynamics of RNA viruses in Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), Lillie, Mette; Engstrom-Laurent, Anna; Lowe, Andrew J.; PD-L1 expression in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms grade 3. Hansson, Ingrid; Chen, Junfeng; Hedman, Johannes; Yeganeh, H. Mehrabani; Kaddumukasa, Mark; Wicher, Grzegorz; Jones, John Anthony; Knopp, Michael; Hedhammar, Å; Ali, Muhammad; Zabicka, Dorota; Murphy, Sue; Harris, Adrian L.; Bolton, Fiona M S; Andersson, Dan I. Andreassen, Ashild K. High-throughput sequencing of two European strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), Hochosterwitz and 1993/783. Forsblad-d'Elia, Helena; Nam, Vu Sinh, Spatiotemporal analysis of historical records (2001-2012) on dengue fever in Vietnam and development of a statistical model for forecasting risk, Kagera, Irene; Bröjer, Caroline; Telefon: 018 - 471 44 44 Modiano, Jaime F; Källman, Thomas; Andersson, Leif, Ecological adaptation in Atlantic herring is associated with large shifts in allele frequencies at hundreds of loci, Olsson, Anna; Rosenbloom, Joel, Trametinib prevents mesothelial-mesenchymal transition and ameliorates abdominal adhesion formation, Nilsson, Emma; Nystedt, Björn; Järhult, Josef D.; Hallgren, Jenny; Yang, Guo-Wang, Heparanase from triple-negative breast cancer and platelets acts as an enhancer of metastasis, Heparin: An old drug with multiple potential targets in Covid-19 therapy, Karlsson, Elin; Dessimoz, Christophe; Hjort, Klas, High pressure inertial focusing for separating and concentrating bacteria at high throughput. Effects of mutations in the post-translational modification sites on the trafficking of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2), Effects of PI3K and FGFR Inhibitors on Human Papillomavirus Positive and Negative Tonsillar and Base of Tongue Cancer Cell Lines, Nakato, Eriko; Santhosh, M. S.; Liu, Jiaxin; Cao, Sha; Soler, Lucile; Hikosaka-Katayama, Tomoe; Janson, Christer; Cohen-Mor, S.; Brisbi, I. Lehr, Jr.; Ferreira, M.; Uher-Koch, BD; Eriksson, Stefan; Makeev, V. Yu. Nyberg, Lena K.; Wermeling, Fredrik; Guo, Xiaohu; Guy, Lionel; Ferreira, Mafalda S.; Sällman Almen, Markus; Heldin, Carl-Henrik; Andersson, Dan I.; Wang, Liya; Hazarika, Razibuddin Ahmed; Alarcon-Riquelme, Marta E. Whole Exome Sequencing of Patients from Multicase Families with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Identifies Multiple Rare Variants. Sellin, Mikael E.; Nikolaropoulos, Sotirios; Pirk, Christian W.; Rubin, Carl-Johan; Gutiérrez-de-Terán, Hugo; Han, Fan; Sundström, Görel; Berden, Jo H. M.; Vögeli, Beat, Extending the Applicability of Exact Nuclear Overhauser Enhancements to Large Proteins and RNA, Dvirnas, Albertas; Satpathy, Sudhir K.; Hornett, Emily A.; Passoth, Volkmar, Chromosomal genome assembly of the ethanol production strain CBS 11270 indicates a highly dynamic genome structure in the yeast species Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Christmas, Matthew J; Elkin, Michael; Caws, Maxine; Andersson, Dan I, The high prevalence of antibiotic heteroresistance in pathogenic bacteria is mainly caused by gene amplification, Felkel, Sabine; Yu, Analyn; Lindahl, Johanna; Bertilsson, Stefan; Griffioen, Arjan W. Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays, Sellin, Mikael E.; Eren, Makbule; Suarez-Sipmann, Fernando; Sim, Adelene Y. L.; Andersson, Anastasia; Feng, Guoping; Hagner, Matthias; Ekwall, Karl; Gudmundsdottir, Jonina S.; Eriksson, Måns; Yang, Shan; Lequarre, A. Sjöberg, Elin; Alam, Shanzida Binte; Glover, Kevin A.; Heyman, Birgitta; Essand, Magnus; Bex-Coudrat, Julie; Chang, Wei-Shan; Kalucka, Joanna; Hellman, Urban; Langer, Seppo W; Pejler, Gunnar; Li, Wenfei; Hallgren, Anna; Chinthakindi, Praveen K.; Olsson, M; Melo, Fabio R.; Tenhunen, Jyrki; Tingting, Wu; Cao, Sha; Axelsson, Erik; Hultin-Rosenberg, Lina; Koinuma, Daizo; Bergström, Tobias; Vila, Roger; Svärd, Staffan G. Coordinated Changes in Gene Expression Throughout Encystation of Giardia intestinalis, Gianni, Stefano; Heldin, Carl-Henrik; Nieuwenhuis, Edward E. S.; Muradrasoli, Shaman; Neeves, Keith; Punga, Tanel; Gendron, Louis; Webster, Matthew Thomas, Genomewide analysis of admixture and adaptation in the Africanized honeybee, Lillie, Mette; Imgenberg-Kreuz, Juliana; Carlsson, Hanne; Wang, Xiao-Min; Hultgren, Nan W.; Hallgren, Jenny, Innate Immunity Induces the Accumulation of Lung Mast Cells During Influenza Infection, Liden, Åsa; Ma, Cong; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Raghwani, Jayna; Kubicek-Sutherland, Jessica Z.; Vaid, Roshan; Koepfli, Klaus-Peter; Jemth, Per; Enzyme Selectivity Fine-Tuned through Dynamic Control of a Loop. Pivarcsi, Andor. Koopmeiners, Joseph S; Meyerhofer, Marco; Abrink, Magnus; Bloom, Jesse D.; Njeru, Ian; Huang, Yu-Fang; Steiner, Cynthia C.; Hallböök, Finn; Sang, R; Omdal, Roald; Dupont, Sam; Bach, Frauke; Saegeman, Veroniek; Krumm, Stefanie A.; Schwertani, Adel; Dureux, Audrey; Metzger, Julia; Alexsson, Andrei; Micke, Patrick; Rar, Vera; Zohari, S. Influenza A Virus in Backyard Pigs and Poultry in Rural Cambodia, Zarnegar, Behdad; Ungerstedt, Johanna; Middendorp, Sabine, A Fluorescence-based Assay for Characterization and Quantification of Lipid Droplet Formation in Human Intestinal Organoids, Guo, Ying; Cedervall, Jessica; Gyllensten, Ulf; Hansson-Hamlin, Helene, ILF2 and ILF3 are autoantigens in canine systemic autoimmune disease, Jeannot, Frédéric; de Sa, Vanessa Karen; Marston, D. A.; Porse, Andreas; Zadeh, S. Hooshmand; Nan, Nan; Dogan, Jakob; Sandelin, Martin; Kristiansson, Erik; Auerbach, Robert; Kumar, Naveen; Verhagen, Josanne H.; Himsworth, Chelsea G.; Korir, Luke; Mikheyev, Alexander S.; Hachisuka, Aki; Punga, Tanel; Otieno, Fredrick; Tzavlaki, Kalliopi; Scippo, Marie-Louise; Saupe, Falk; Larsson, Mårten; Kamranvar, Siamak A.; Ástvaldsson, Ásgeir; Ghoshdastider, Umesh; Bouris, Panagiotis; Eksborg, Staffan; Fiddes, Ian T.; Yu, Mingwei; Nian, Jia-Yun; Näsvall, Joakim; Lindahl, Johanna. Li, Hongmei; Sjöblom, Tobias; Krambrich, Janina; Eriksson, Per; Pettersson, John H-O; Cunnane, Katharine; Tandre, Karolina; Hazarika, Razibuddin A; Berg, M.; Swofford, Ross; Delia, Grace, Climate Change and Infectious Livestock Diseases: The Case of Rift Valley Fever and Tick-Borne Diseases. Zapol, Warren M.; Skog, Erik; Hjort, Karin; Olsson, Simon; Houwen, Roderick H. J.; Järhult, Josef D. Fecal Carriage of Extended-Spectrum -Lactamases in Healthy Humans, Poultry, and Wild Birds in Leon, NicaraguaA Shared Pool of bla(CTX-M) Genes and Possible Interspecies Clonal Spread of Extended-Spectrum -Lactamases-Producing Escherichia coli, Kalamajski, Sebastian; Davalos, Liliana M. Bats (Chiroptera:Noctilionoidea) Challenge a Recent Origin of Extant Neotropical Diversity, Biased Evolution: Causes and Consequences, Humphries, Grant R. W.; Sandström, Eric; Craighead, Mark; Liu, Ranran; Hernandez, Jorge; Woronik, Alyssa; Wan, Lu-Ming; Eloranta, Maija-Leena; Larson, Lena; Koinuma, Daizo; Andersson, Leif; Froelich, Jerry; Kullander, Klas, SLC10A4 regulates IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation in vitro and mast cell-mediated reactions in vivo, Bibow, Stefan; Ljungvall, I.; Palmieri, Nicola; Dadras, Mahsa Shahidi; Rönnblom, Lars, Molecular pathways in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus revealed by gene-centred DNA sequencing, Stable 3D Inertial Focusing by High Aspect Ratio Curved Microfluidics. Horn, Matthias; Nougairede, Antoine; Promerova, M.; Lindgren, Gabriella; Do, Lan; Ferrand, Nuno; Spirason, Natalie; Järhult, Josef D.; Neutze, Richard; Vasilaki, Eleftheria; Linkevicius, Marius; Rubin, Carl-Johan; Compston-Garnett, Lara; Ray, David A.; Pless, Stephan A.; Kvarnstrom, Marika; Huseby, Douglas L; Harvey, Erin; Pechoux, Christine; Benrick, Anna; Rissler, Marianne; Seasonal monitoring of Glossina species occurrence, infection rates, and Trypanosoma species infections in pigs in West Nile region, Uganda. Kofoed, Poul-Erik, High-Dose Chloroquine for Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Is Well Tolerated and Causes Similar QT Interval Prolongation as Standard-Dose Chloroquine in Children, Xie, Bushan; Marthey, Sylvain; Bohlin, Jon; Browne, Anna M.; D'Onofrio, Brian M.; Ingmer, Hanne; Aibara, Shintaro; Vilaplana-Perez, Alba; Zuccolo, Andrea; Rigler, Doris; Svedlund, Jessica; Schwabl, Hubert, Testosterone induces plumage ornamentation followed by enhanced territoriality in a female songbird, Sundqvist, Anders; Young, Mary; Zhang, Chunyuan; Thomas-Chollier, Morgane; Nordberg, Viveka; Gillman, Anna; Åberg, Mikael, IL-33 stimulates the release of procoagulant microvesicles from human monocytes and differentially increases tissue factor in human monocyte subsets, Burmakin, Mikhail; Turner-Maier, Jason; Jelovse, Mateja; Sunagar, Kartik; Vaisar, Tomas; Zain, Rula, Disruption of Higher Order DNA Structures in Friedreich's Ataxia (GAA)(n) Repeats by PNA or LNA Targeting, Assadian, Farzaneh; Regulation of cell polarity and invasion by TGF-β and BMP signaling, Regulation of Telomere Homeostasis during Epstein-Barr virus Infection and Immortalization, Regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes: the role of IL-35 in counteracting the disease, Blum, Kristin M.; Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin; Öghren, Elin M.; Swofford, Ross; Larsson, Mårten; Postolache, Dragos; Logoviti, Ioanna; Sun, Xu; Ling, Jiaxin; Cadieu, Edouard; Alvarez-Asencio, Ruben; Zhang, Ding; De Decker, S.; Bender, Markus; Ryman, Nils; Swofford, Ross; Hallgren, Åsa; Srinivas, K; Tobio, A.; San, Sorn; Catteau, Gregory; Spang, Anja; Minh, Bui Quang; Marinescu, Voichita; Fairoze, Nadeem Mohamed; Bucher, Sara Magnusson; Vogl, C.; Expansion of spatial and host range of Puumala virus in Sweden: an increasing threat for humans? Hultman, Christina M.; Griffioen, Arjan W. Targeting PDGF-mediated recruitment of pericytes blocks vascular mimicry and tumor growth, Dominguez Del Angel, Victoria; Andersson, Leif; Wold, Agnes E.; Singh, Raj Kumar, Coronavirus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19): Challenges and a Global Perspective, King, Carina; Gueniche, Audrey; Liu, Xiao-Ni; Boone, Charles; Dahlqvist, Johanna; Kobayashi, Mai; Gao, Hongding; Pathak, Mamta; Ryder, Oliver A.; Fitzgerald, Theresa; Hagenblad, Jenny; Jin, C.; Lundkvist, Åke; Zokai, Fateme; Järhult, Josef D.; Cao, Sha; Valdimarsdottir, Unnur A.; Stathis, Dimitrios; Farias, F. H. G.; I have been a nurse since 1997. Hassan, Wafaa M. M.; Bergvall, U. Velie, Brandon D. Conformation Traits and Gaits in the Icelandic Horse are Associated with Genetic Variants in Myostatin (MSTN).