you a pro in your dream game. For instance, the Lahore High Court in Naveed Masih v The State (2008) refused to rely upon the statement of the victim as the “medical report revealed that hymen of victim was torn and vagina admitted two fingers easily”. In areas where medical doctors are available, the tests would often be given in a doctor's office. Legal and policy reform barring gender stereotypes pertaining to the character of the victims from legal proceedings on sexual assault is urgently needed. Similarly in another decision by the Federal Shariat Court in 2006, the accused was acquitted of all rape charges as the “victim girl was of easy virtue and though she was unmarried and of 16 years, but had lost her virginity”. it is so shameful that Pakistan is still stuck in ninth century mentality.Any woman who claims to have been raped should be able to go any hospital and get an examination.the DNA test will help convict the rapist. Just today Paedophile priest Finian Egan was released after serving just 4 years in prison. There are many right minded men and women members of National Assembly and can introduce this legislation as private members' bill and do not rest until the piece of this legislation becomes a law. Rape is a very sensitive topic in our society and the onus should lie upon the accused to prove his innocence rather than the victim which is the case. We only understand fear and torture. Are you a researcher or an activist working on issues of discrimination? It so badly needs a change in so many areas but what can one say when the Government itself stinks. So, when it comes to improving your clicks per second, you need serious and regular practice. The process of virginity testing varies by region. Its a shame, but there is no justice for anyone in Pakistan. It is so shameful that this test is still permissible by law in 21st century. The courts should realize that even a sex worker can file a complaint for rape as the crime has nothing to do with the morals of a victim. The article re-affirms my belief that our society just came out of stone age. What a shame for our judicial system as well as our society as a whole for failing to provide justice to the victims of rape and sexual harassment. It is unbelievable that such a backward practice is still part of Pakistan in year 2017. The lawmakers should take needed action. the real issues, that are not taken up for legislation due to social stigma attached to them, and low priority of the majority legislators that happen to be men. It is thus little surprise that not only are convictions low, but victims themselves prefer to reach informal settlements with accused rather than put up with a trial. Two-finger test is not only illogical, archaic and degrading to the victim of a horrendous crime like rape, it also absurd by all legal and medical standards! Only then can the recent legislative amendments achieve their desired impact. Logic, which seems to be absent in many cases, should have a central place in the revised laws. The 'two-finger' test?? Try and pierced the portion of the tip of the finger. Need of the time. Wonderful article to raise social consciousness and inspiring women to fight for their rights. Excellent article. Although the CpsTest is a unique game that is played on many websites, some serious gamers compete as the fastest mouse clicker. Very nice piece of writing .... but there is no real effort on part of any related section to upgrade and update decrepit judicial system. Unless Judges and law makers are educated or become victims this may never change. Is Pakistan a country where most of people are ignorant and uneducated ? However, consent is the main issue in defining rape, the world over, not only in Pakistan. Salutes. Unbelievable, thank you Zainab for an eye opening article. In a country where conviction rates for rape are less than 4% and the National Police Bureau records an average of over 3,000 reported cases every year, the need for gender-sensitive legal and policy reform has never been more critical. REALLY?? There is no incentive to look for training and no incentives for providing it. What needs to be emphasized is that the victim should promptly report the matter to police and to get medically examined at the earliest so that important evidence is not lost which could be helpful for dna analysis. Eye opening article. The determinative nature of the victim’s character to judicial decision making is reinforced by reliance on outdated ‘medical’ tests called two-finger rape tests. There is a web of taboo when it comes to reporting rape. THIS really happens? To start the game, hit the 'Click Here to start' button on the gray box available above. The most players at cpstest managed to click between 5-10 clicks per second. Just like corrupt high ups rapists also get away due to their connections and notorious police help. Test strip for testing blood, do not enter more or less than the lowest. Related: Female Pakistani journalists share stories of harassment at the workplace. DNA testing should of course be the first thing done by the authorities. This way both the victim and the so callled perpetrator is protected. When your entire government is corrupt, you expect our judicial system to be fully fit. We need highly trained detectives!!! This shows that the entire globe is patriarchal! The LHC judgement and the petition that sought abolishment of the controversial test have been summarised by Barrister Muhammad Ahmad Pansota and Ahtasham Mukhtar … One by president Asif Ali Zardari and the second by current president Mamnoon Hussain. There are rapes all over the world and also rape calls just to get revenge by woman.So some information is a must from the victim as well. Great article but it would be far more effective if it was in Urdu. Nowadays reiance is placed more on dna testing and also on the fact if there are marks of violence etc on the body of the victim. Thank you for writing it, Zainab. So be clean fingers). a woman's dignity is measured by two fingers. To prove a rape, good luck with finding four male witnesses who witnessed the actual act! Palm line reading is the most important part of palmistry. A ‘true victim’ in many ways is one that never comes forward. The Senate elections have generated their own sense of chaos. The affirmative findings of a test i.e. Minecraft itself can only register (Roughly)2 clicks per second from players. Pakistan: Court bans intrusive rape test Human rights activists have long demanded that the "two finger" test be banned. So let's say a mature woman with 2-4 children is raped, and the two finger rule is applied - the findings will be that she consented? She may not be having the chaste characters then? Pakistan needs an overnight change which unfortunately will NEVER happen when it runs by baboons. She tweets @ZainabQ. It is presumed that a woman with honour would never bring shame upon herself by admitting that she had been raped. Rape Cases mein two fingers Test ke khilaf Lahore High Court ka tareekhi Faisla..! A relic of British India, the archaic test involves inserting two fingers into the vagina of the victim in order to determine whether or not she is “habituated to sexual intercourse”. married woman is raped ? Ltd. ( for Dawn. Stereotypes pertaining to what is a ‘good woman’ remains the primary consideration for police, prosecutors and judges to decide whether or not a victim’s claim of rape deserves reliance. Rape Cases mein two fingers Test ke khilaf Lahore High Court ka tareekhi Faisla..! Regrettable thoroughly. Simply force your leader to live in over flowing sewers and overnight conditions will improve. The focus should be on evidence to support the credibility of her account especially in a digital world. Yet no severe action taken or justice happened seen to be done as to my knowledge because women was of low cast. Such cases should be prosecuted with sensitivity! Feel free to send comments and feedback in the section right below. The two-finger test, also called the virginity test, refers to an intrusive physical examination of a woman’s vagina to determine the presence of an intact hymen in … I can't bear to think the trauma that our legal system inflicts on the victims. More debates need to take place to change laws and peoples attitudes. You want Pakistan to prosper ? Accused should be put up to the trail and be punished. @shahid ehsan khalid The biggest womanizer of his time, was able to find the difference between a rape and a sex complain of a woman of easy virtue [and] indulged in sexual activities. who keeps track of the world record holders. While this two finger test could be applied in case of unmarried woman wherein a tight vagina indicates her being chaste or virgin, what about a married woman being raped? So in a way the law is giving a license to rape women. While the game is set to default time for 5 seconds, players can switch to other time varieties from the menu on the right sidebar of the page. The two finger rule is scrap and nonsense by the way. In a landmark decision, a court in Pakistan has banned the practice of “two-finger” test or the “virginity test” in rape examinations. Here is why the test deserved to be out of the legal system Whilst social norms pertaining to acceptable behaviour will not change overnight, the criminal justice system has an obligation to institute gender-sensitive mechanisms that provide adequate redress to victims without subjecting them to additional violations of their privacy and dignity. A much needed article. Can former respected Justices initiate steps to protect the rights of the victims by rising above the archaic laws? It is time Pakistan must ban the two finger test that was started by unkind and illiterate.. Pakistans record on sexual assault and sexual harrasment is abysmal. clicker. It's a matter of honor and soul. One of the things that is impossible to do with the two finger test is if what the woman is married or has had a divorce? Forensic sciences related to sexual assists and their investigations are at a much much advanced level. The Lahore high court on Monday passed the decision to end this practice as it is “humiliating” and “had no forensic value”. or do have a few left to lose? In my opinion, 99% of any proven rape case must go in favour of the victim. The test is not a legal requirement but a medical practice that has become part of legal jurisprudence. Wonderful article. Previous character of the victim has no bearing on the point in question. I some times wonder is Pakistan still stuck in 12 the century. Click per second is nothing but calculating the frequency of your clicks. However, in countries where doctors are not available, testers will often be older women, or whoever can be trusted to search for a hymen. No pun intended. Pakistan will only prosper if theres an iron hand controling the people. We definitely need these voices. Oh my God! Vey unfair. On the other hand I wonder if the victim gives non truthful testimony there should be consequences for that as well. It shows the level of ignorance that we still live with each day in our country. It is really a grave form of violence and must be treated as such and punished. No wonder our legislative institutions produce nothing but food for talk shows. Change your mouse setting by adjusting its sensitivity. Can't believe this is how we humiliate the female victims in our society. What a shame that this archaic piece of law is still in the statute. I wonder how does the two finger test apply to a victim of rape if she is already married. Woo, we need some reality check here for all of us. But with just 11 female medical workers available to carry out rape exams in the whole of Karachi, Tariq said the two-finger test was often regarded as a “quick fix”. "TWO FINGER TEST?" don't wonder. be backward. The "two-finger test" is performed manually by inserting one or two fingers into a woman's vagina to test for its laxity and for the presence of a hymen - in theory to … Period. The best suggestion is that using a gaming mouse rather than regular and also avoid laptop trackpad. I don't understand why does the test even exist in the first place. User-friendly interface on every device you own. Fingertip definition, the tip or end of a finger. You want more connected Pakistan with better sanitation ? If you want justice, then simply make your leader suffer and they make necessary ammendments and will fight for justice. How would they verify the if the victim of rape is male? Obvious a 'man' made law. Former British colonies including India, Malaysia and Bangladesh have progressively began banning reliance on these tests. What a devious mindset to have this as law? Federal and provincial Abodsmen have convicted a few but even those few have gotten pardoned by President. They are. Users do normal clicks between 7 to 10 cps and are still sometimes not register by Hipexel in a month. Shocked that there is such a law or test even! To humiliate her further through such anachronistic and humiliating laws is despicable to say the least. It is against the dignity of a women. 3. It gives you unlimited chances to practice and perform better than last time. The most players at cpstest managed to click between 5-10 clicks per second. The Lahore High Court’s (LHC’s) Justice Ayesha A Malik on January 4, 2021 passed a 30-page detailed judgment against the TFT. ... with the help of (the dirt on the fingers, if the measurement of foods is likely to be wrong. Judges and lawyers are not well versed with medical and forensic terminologies and the procedure adopted to examine a victim of sexual assault. How can "Muslims" stand for this humiliation and injustice to women? Well, with due respect to the writer's personal views, being a lawyer I feel that the writer has not given the practical hardships faced while conducting such cases....As a prosecutor I knw that in more than 90% of the cases the alleged victims are consenting parties.The real victims don't come forward. On the other hand, the Lahore High Court accepted the testimony of the victim in Amanullah v. State (2009) as “vagina admitted two finger tight fully and painfully which showed that sexual intercourse had been firstly committed with her [committed for the first time] and further that she was not a woman of easy virtue and was not used to committing sexual intercourse” [explanation added]. is more likely a timepass game there you can set the highest score and break others records. Years of condemnation on social media and chanting against the nonsensical two-finger test (TFT) at the Aurat March has finally given the women of Pakistan something to celebrate. There is no future. That means If I click 4 CPS or 8 CPS absolutely, I'll still get the same amount of hits on somebody, It doesn't matter. That too when he was found guilty of raping girls 10 to 17 years old for over 30 years!!! Amazingly summed it up... A great article to read after a long time. Twitter celebrates as Lahore High Court declares archaic two-finger test illegal. Online Urdu typing test keyboard will help you type texts in Urdu characters, even if you are far away from your computer. The faster you click the faster you can break the records. As a son, husband and father, I am embarrassed. Hasan. From police to courts. This is mere violation and it's like.... You're making fun of the victim! That said rape is hard to prove in West too. Rape is a crime, nothing to do with virginity. In fact, the character of the victim is the primary accused in the trial, with the conduct of the accused being a secondary consideration. It's shameful that how we treat woman in our society.I remember a video gone viral in which a rape victim a poor aged woman running and policeman who have committed this heinous crime was seen trying to capture her. Amazing, so let's search what was the criteria he had to access this. Whoever proposed this cheap test should be ashamed of himself / herself. Even marital rape is a crime. Visit and figure it out! Ms Malik: How much I appreciated your very thoughtful as well as useful writing. In recent years, any attempts to end impunity have focused on the introduction of piece-meal legislation, which whilst important for political visibility of the women’s movement, has failed to translate into increased conviction rates. See more. Implication is that raping a non-virgin is not a crime. لاہور: ہائی کورٹ نے زیادتی کا شکار خواتین کے ساتھ ریپ کی تصدیق کے لیے دو فنگر ٹیسٹ کو غیر قانونی قرار دیتے ہوئے متبادل انتظامات کرنے کی ہدایت کردی۔ WOW!!! Below there are simple steps you need to follow:-. Thus a woman with a sexual history is assumed to consent forever more and therefore can never be raped. It is a smooth and consistent manner, no matter where you are or what computer you are using. Pvt. Start practicing with clicking techniques like jitter clicking and butterfly clicking. And that has to change. CpsTest is just not the game only because, peoples are not just gamers but they are using CpsTest to relaxing their mind when they feel stressed. As a matter of fact, rape does happens with male. Here's my brother typing in a 10fastfingers competition. So if a woman gives consent to one man she gives consent to all men. Shouldn't all men be ashamed for being silent witnesses (or at best; ignorant) about how their own mothers, daughters, sisters and wives are treated as livestock in our country? It might come as an astonishment, but there is a world record holder for the quickest mouse We in fact just this inequality as our god given right. It appears that the country laws are so outdated that it need fresh overhaul. That is insane! How humiliating - enjoy your prehistoric 2-finger test. Once a woman says No it means No and becomes rape. Thanks for bringing the topic to public attention. The score is shown with CPS. Alas! It's not that the universal appllication of two finger rules upon virgins, married and in-relationship women alike is sickening what's more detrimental is non-acceptance of DNA test as a testifying reality by Islamic Ideological Council. Extremely frustrating!!! @london kundon unbelievable and sickening! Quickly after clicking the button, start clicking with your mouse as fast as you can in the given timeframe. Shameful! Now, it's up to you how fast you can click!.You can also check your Mouse Clicker Here! The fact that a woman is willing to have her chastity doubted by being brave enough to come forward is reason enough that the law should look at her sympathetically in a society like Pakistan's. Very Informative, but very saddening to know how our justice system is utter garbage. We are very sure if you practice daily for just 10 minutes, it will make A timer above the box will show the time passed. Read next: Rape is not a number and it should never become only digits in a report. Two Finger Scroll Not Working On Windows 10 [Solved] If you cannot scroll with touchpad, these solutions mentioned above will most probably help you, and you will be able to explore two-finger scrolling functionality once again on your Windows 10, 8 or 7 laptops. Seminal stains, scratch marks and hair strands etc could be helpful if taken into account as and when the offence is committed. Unless people like you constantly keep reminding (conscience) by telling/writing men and general women what a society is doing against women is not civil and right, I think very little real progress will be achieved. Utter nonsense, indicative of the barbaric past, the author included. I did not know the victims are subjected to this inhumane treatment. Wow, unbelievable travesty of justice, Pakistan needs to change its archaic laws, Sad, almost physically sickening reading. No equality of religions, races, sexes. Rape should be punishable to life imprisonment. medical evidence is sufficient to prove rape. Play shooting games and try to shoot with maximum speed. Under the Pakistan Penal Code, Section 375, lack of consent on the part of the alleged victim is the primary ingredient for categorising an act of intercourse as rape. Cps test allows you to test your finger speed on mouse to define how speedily you can click on the mouse button. According to its statistics, Mr. Dylan Allred from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States is the one who clicked his mouse a total of 1,051 times in 10 seconds. Supreme Court's decision to ban Two Finger test has been aprreciated by one and all. I have referred to this in my Urdu Op-Ed for a North American community newspaper. Having said that, the whole justice system is screwed. This test is just outrageous and must be abolished. Kudos to the author for highlighting the issue. Disturbing to hear that we have such malpractice. Woman should be respected specially those who work hard for their daily livelihoods. Cps test allows you to test your finger speed on mouse to define how speedily you can click on the mouse button. Maybe someone can translate and publish it in Urdu so that more people can benefit from it. Unfortunately, these global developments have failed to trigger any corresponding debate on the inability of Pakistan’s criminal justice system to provide redress to survivors. We should be ashamed of accepting such jungian and archaic methods. The author is focusing on a test whether the rape victim was a virgin. Even animals have better laws then so called Islamic republics. I wasn't aware of these laws, thanks for pointing them out. The cpstest THE Senate elections have been embroiled in a bigger controversy than was required. CpsTest defined some ranks upon your clicking speed. Virginity testing, also called"two-finger testing", is unscientific, harmful, and a violation of women's and girls' human rights— WHO. The first thing about rape must be to start with believing the victim. If our leaders want to have heart surgeries in UK then simply ban their travel and overnight fundings for local hospitals will increase ten fold. thsi should be banned straightaway... sounds like living in stoneage still. The affirmative findings of a test i.e. Where this test stand when a @Khurram And we claim to be a shariah based society. Representative Image. Kudos to the writer. The issue is about consent. There are 4 types of clicking categories that stand in Minecraft PvP gaming. Again the victim can get a FIR issued against the perpetrator so that something solid is done for the victim. I AM SPEECHLESS. It is common practice for girls also to indulge in masterbation. Typing Test - 10fastfingers offers a free online Typing Speed Test Game in multiple languages. As a man I am ashamed of our law and how it is rigged against the week. And the courts actually noting that in their judgements. Rape is an assault and is done against the will of a person, period. People’s hand lines usually reveal individual personality and character traits. In palmistry, there are mainly three major lines to read: Life Line, Head Line (also Wisdom Line) and Heart Line (also Love Line). How will this two finger test be applied on her? Because of these pathetic and outdated laws most of the victims prefer silence to avoid more humiliation. Anchored by an energetic and strong host, Shahzeb Khanzada It's time Pakistan banned the two-finger test for decoding consent in rape trials, Female Pakistani journalists share stories of harassment at the workplace, Rape is not a number and it should never become only digits in a report, When nothing could stop Karachi's trans community: not Chanda's murder, Muskan's rape, nor Payal's kidnapping, Pakistani medical codes weren't violated in sending friend request to Sharmeen's sister – and that's a problem, Left for dead: A doctor's account of rescuing a six-year-old rape victim, Visiting a Rohingya refugee camp was the most heart-wrenching medical mission I've undertaken, گھر والوں نے حدود متعین کر رکھی ہیں، اداکاری کی اجازت میں مشکل ہوگی، دنانیر, سینیٹ انتخابات میں سب سے کم نقصان کس سیاسی جماعت کو ہوا؟, جیل توڑ کر فرار ہونے والے قیدیوں کا وہ واقعہ جو اب بھی ذہن گھما دیتا ہے, 1,200 birds distributed under PM’s ‘Backyard Poultry’ initiative, Lawyers gather today to devise strategy in wake of IHC storming, Three policemen, three fighters killed in occupied Kashmir, Pakistani American venture capitalist gets 12 years imprisonment, Transatlantic alliance is ‘back’, declares Biden, Reality star Kim Kardashian files for divorce from rapper Kanye West, It's official: Esra Bilgiç is part of the Peshawar Zalmi 'kingdom', Imran’s planned speech in Lankan parliament cancelled, Sadpara, two other mountaineers missing on K2 declared dead, Indian concerns about Sikh Yatris rejected, PML-N's Senator Mushahidullah Khan passes away in Islamabad, Satellite images show China emptying military camps at Ladakh border flashpoint with India, In pictures: 'World's most beautiful' Gwadar Cricket Stadium holds first star-studded match, China confirms 4 soldiers died in June clash on India border, UN experts voice concern over Indian moves to enact new laws in occupied Kashmir, Chaos is a dangerous political tool to wield, Space for dissent is shrinking in Modi's India, Editorial: Assurances from interior minister mean little, govt must do more for relatives of missing persons, UN urged to stop state-sponsored terrorism, religious discrimination. very well well argued. In landmark ruling, Pakistan court outlaws ‘virginity test’. And later on can we only expect the courts and police to do justice. 2017 will go down in history as the year mainstream discourse on sexual violence was finally forced to confront the universal impunity enjoyed by perpetrators of assault. Two-finger test. Where in shariah is this law? Share your insights with us at, Zainab Z. Malik is a human rights lawyer, currently working with the Justice Project Pakistan. Once the time runs out, the final score of the player will be presented. First and foremost, the responsibility starts at our door step. The views expressed by this writer and commenters below do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group. Which requires giving enough confidence to our women that their loved ones shall standby them in times of distress. Excellent piece of writing highlighting a very cruel practice of ignorant tribal societies still followed in 21st century. Clicks per second is a fundamental thing that is seriously followed by gamers who always wanted to become pro in their dream game and become unbeatable. I'm shocked any saddened to know that in our judicial system the rape victims are being tried instead of the rapists. The reason women don't press charges are mostly related to their fear of persecution from the family itself. The two-finger test is a violation of the constitutional rights of the people of Pakistan, the Ministry of Human Rights said in its reply in the petition challenging virginity tests in Pakistan. And then to make matters worse, she has to produce 4 witnesses? People reading and commenting here are mostly already aware of these problems and they readily denounce it. In Shahnsha(emperor) Akbar days, rape was a crime. good article but govt should take concrete steps to avoid the harassment cases. Imagine how many 'respectable' husbands are unwittingly fathers to another man's child because the wife was too scared to tell him she was raped. For instance, the Lahore High Court in Fahad Aziz v State (2008) disregarded the victim’s rape complaint as “she appeared to be a woman of easy virtue [and] indulged in sexual activities”. And last but not least, we live in a permanent denial mode. We are still stuck in some prehistoric era? Thank you for raising these continuing archaic and non-sensical practices that should not even have been there in the 19th century. The controversial two-finger virginity test for victims of rape and ... sexual abuse was recently abolished by the Lahore High Court. The faster you click the faster you can break the records. There is a growing recognition that not only is there no scientific link between the laxity of one’s vagina and sexual history, a victim’s ‘character’ is irrelevant on the alleged act being adjudicated upon. However, not only does Pakistan continue to hold on to the two-finger test but its victims must withstand aspersions on their character and sexual histories during the course of the rape trial which often lasts for several years. If people were to stand up for there rights and the laws are followed while there will still be rape but at least reduced. Thanks for this brave and honest article. Urdu Typing free download - Typing Master 10, Pak Urdu Installer, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 17 Deluxe, and many more programs It can very easily spiral out of the calibrators’ hands and take on a life of its own. But if you want to avoid becoming turtle then you must click above 5 clicks per second. This is an obsolete method and current day medico-legal officers do not practice it. Very sad. However our uneducated masses which is a very big number will never read or understand this.