Hello there, simply changed into aware of your blog through Google, and found that it’s truly informative. Verses about the Apostles' "TRAVELS and ACTS" Part 25 PETER'S FIRST LETTER, TO ASIA MINOR . Lots of folks will probably be benefited out of your writing.  |  Home, Studies | TV Matthias is the most obscure apostle, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that we can’t be very sure what he did or how he died. The New Testament delineates at least fifty cities visited during his (at least) five major travels or missionary journeys. I was looking for which disciples came to the USA. 8, 10). Apostles Travels and Missionary Routes 1: From there, around A.D. 256, the Ten Tribes migrated with their brethren from Asia Minor into Northwest Europe. There was one government … Journeys of the Apostle did the desciples reach out to non whites in their travels? Information about his life is scanty. Matthew tells us who they were. The Ancient //---write copyright A sermon presented by Dr. Burrus Smith. Find a Church | Partner | Bible Studies | (Dr. Herman Hoeh,The Compendium, “where did the Apostles go?”), Philip was assigned to Scythia. That is part of Parthia Empire also. Is gonna be again steadily to check up on new posts. Ethiopia and Greek sources tell us Matthias went to Dacia. Here is Geoffrey of Monmouth’s answer: separate pop-up window. xi, ch. The Seven Churches of Asia James, son of Alphaeus, was the one who left Palestine after the first twelve years. Church  |  Resources Universal History explains the Nordics were white people who came from North Africa and Mauritania. News | “Whence after some time he betook himself…to the country of Abasgi (a land in the Caucasus)…Hence he removed into…Asiatic Scythia or Sarmatia, but finding the inhabitants very barbarous and intractable, he stayed not long among them, only at Cherson, or Chersonesus, a great and populous city within the Bosporus (this Bosporus is the modern Crimea), he continued for some time, instructing them and confirming them in the faith. | Andrew went to Scythians. Paul walked the roads built by the Romans to … Paul may have passed by Gaul on his way from Italy to Spain (Romans 15:24, 28). Apostles Travels and Missionary Routes 2: World Dacia was the extreme western part of Scythia. copyright=new Date(); Based on the Article by Dr. Hermon Hoeh former Worldwide Church of God Evangelist who died in 2001. Does the word “first” as used here imply chronological order? That book of maps contains separate maps for all 50 states, and there will be smaller inset maps for all of the larger cities in each state. The Apostles were the movement's cutting edge, spreading the message across the vast trade network of the ancient world and leaving small Christian communities in their paths. TV & Audio Broadcasts | Newsletter Old Testament Prophets John may have been sent to Gaul which is modern day France. V, §2). Sinai, Journeys of the Apostle It is the only 1st-century account of the expansion of Christianity in its earliest period. No! The Universal History is a 65 volume account of history form the earliest times. The early journeys of the Apostle Peter as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. And the state map won’t help much either. 😛 And, if you are writing on additional sites, I would like to keep up with anything fresh you have to post. Expelled from Parthia, the Ten Tribes and the Medes moved north of the Black Sea, into Scythia. It is a 4.5-hour scenic drive from Melbourne via Geelong along the Great Ocean Road to the 12 Apostles. (Cave, Antiquitates Apostolicae, p 168 quoting Nicephorus Callistus “Ecclesiasticae Historiae”), Jude, his other name was Libbaeus Thaddaeus, had his ministry in Assyria and Mesopotamia.  |  Free Map - The Earliest Missionary Journeys - the Apostle Peter. Metaphrastes was the principal compiler of the legends of saints in the “Menologia” of the Byzantine Church. (Cave, Antiquitates Apostolicae, p.137-138). The Hey Michael, Thanks for listening. The It was under the protection of the Roman army. “Syria” was the Greek name for the whole eastern Mediterranean coastal strip north of Judea. “directed his journey toward Egypt, then to Cyrene, and Africa … and throughout Mauritania and all Libya, preaching the gospel … . Also in text in [red square brackets] Acts 9:31-43 - The whole Church throughout Judea [1], Galilee [2] and Samaria [3] now enjoyed a period of peace. Required fields are marked *. Thereupon, by the treachery of the Saxons, he sailed across with a hundred and sixty thousand Africans into Britain … (and) laid waste, as hath been said, well-nigh the whole island with his countless thousands of Africans” 25.1: Greetings: 1:1-2: 25.2: Their suffering: 1:6b-7a: OUR RELATIONS WITH GOD : Their suffering - continued: 1:13-14: CHRISTIAN SUFFERING : Their suffering - concluded: 4:3-5: 4:12-13a: 25.3: Farewells : 5:12-14 : A … During the New Testament times, Parthia ruled most ruled over most of the Gentiles. Strange things appeared near the disciples. I would love to search it more. The very areas to which the House of Israel was taken captive! A bit of explanation is in … This was very informative. Speaking of Andrew,   •  Terms of Service  •  Privacy Policy. The apostle Paul is an amazing individual who influenced Christianity more than any other person short of Jesus Christ. This map is a broad view of the area where some of the key events took place described in Acts 1-12 immediately following the James of Alphaeus went to Spain. A map of locations of where the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ died, according to tradition. “White Indians” – that is, whites living in India – were also known as Nephthalite Huns, in later Greek records. And you can look our website about proxy list daily. Store | Contact Us, // Presenter: Rod KingTeaser: Jesus gave the Apostles a commission to reach the scattered Israelite peoples. Brethren scattered because of Paul's persecution (before his conversion) preach the Word of God to Jews as far away as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch (Acts 11:19).. “Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother …” (Matthew 10:2). From Dacia came the Normans who ultimately settled in France and Britain. Your email address will not be published. If you want to drive from Naperville to Lincoln Park, the US map won’t do you any good. Andrew had Scythia, and the neighboring countries primarily allotted him for his province. Bartholomew worked with Thomas in the Parthian Empire. Nowhere in your New Testament can you find Paul preaching in Pontus, or Cappadocia, or Bithynia. I almost never leave a response, however i did some searching and wound sources designate Dacia. This information is based on the research of Dr. Herman Hoeh from an Article called “Where did the apostles go?” It was co-authored by John Keyser. “Parthia, after which Sophornius and others inform us, that he preached the gospel to the Medes, Persians, Carmans, Hyrcani, Bactrians, and the neighbor nations”. (See R. G. Latham’s The Native Races of the Russian Empire, page 216.) Could you make a list of all of all your shared pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed? Find A Journeys, Peter's Journey, Phillip's Journeys, Barnabas' Journey, Barnabas and Paul's Journey, Barnabas and Mark's Journey. Paul the Apostle has been placed within Second Temple Judaism by recent scholarship since the 1970s. “The Saxons … went unto Gotmund, King of the Africans, in Ireland, wherein, adventuring thither with a vast fleet, he had conquered the folk of the country. Where did the 10 Tribes go after Captivity. What Greek Historians Report. Also Dorotheus declares Matthew was buried at Hierapolis in Parthia. This is no historical proof that John went to Gaul. (Eusebius, Evangelical Demonstrations, Book III, chapter 7). 20 Jan. where did the 12 apostles go map. Of the tombs of the apostles, all but two are claimed by premises of the Catholic Church, half of them located in the Diocese of Rome. Andrew isn’t mentioned much in the Bible—and there’s even less information available about the circumstances of his death. Downloads Jews from all across the empire asked, What is going on? It was written in Greek anonymously as early as c.AD 65, but more likely later in the century, as a sequel to the Gospel of St. Luke [2]. Mark, xvi, 16). (Cave, Antiquitates Apostolicae, p 168), “went first into Parthia, and having successfully planted Christianity in those parts, thence traveled to Aethiopia, that is, the Asiatic Aethiopia, lying near India.”. Cheers! Nicephorus and Dorotheus both wrote about Simon: We should discard the notion that the world was uncivilized during the early AD period. (Acts 12:2). There is a legend that Mary went with John to France and later to Britain. Included are notable sites such as: Antioch, Sidon, Tyre, In the first of these texts we read, “Go ye therefore and make disciples all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you”. The deeds of this apostle are sometimes mistakenly assigned to James, John’s brother. | History of the Twelve Tribes of Israel” regularly.Your humoristic style is awesome, keep it up! | History of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. “House of Israel” identified. This map is a view of the travels of the Apostles and includes, Saul's (Paul) “… many conquered peoples were removed to other homes, and two of these became very great colonies: the one was composed of Assyrians and was removed to the land between Paphlagonia and Pontus, and the other was drawn from Media and planted along the Tanais (the River Don in ancient Scythia – the modern Ukraine, north of the Black Sea, in southern Russia).” See book II, §43.  |  Links Who were these so-called “White Syrians”? (Universal History Vol xviii, p.194, 1748), Eusebius, wrote about the apostles that they, It is compiled from original authors, and illustrated with maps, notes and published in London between 1747 and 1768. “But this … was to be understood only of the white nations inhabiting some parts of western Barbary and Numidia.” I will be grateful when you proceed this in future. resurrection of Christ. Journeys of the Apostles update=copyright.getYear(); From the sons of Jacob – surnamed Israel – sprang 12 tribes. Links Why is it that almost no one has thought of it before? Thanks for the info, i find it really useful. Damascus, Caesarea, Capernaum, Joppa, Samaria, Philippi, and Tarsus. Sea of Galilee Map location #7 Summer 40 A.D. to Summer 41 A.D. That Christianity reached China by the end of the first century has long been dismissed as a myth.Now, says the Chinese People's Daily, evidence suggests it really happened. Bible Empires & Kingdoms No thank you for listening. Hence taking ship, he sailed across the sea to Sinope, situated in Paphlagonia…”  |  Free According to Nicephorus recorded that Bartholomew also spent part of his time in Armenia and Upper Phrygia in Asia Minor. All of the people living in Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia were Israelites according to Josephus. Parthia was defeated by Persia in 226 A.D. GREETINGS; BEARING TRIALS WITH JOY. All lands north of the Eurphates River belonged to the lost tribes of Israel according to Josephus. that your pop-up filter is disabled. Blue markers represent commonly accepted death locations while yellow markers represent disputed locations. (Historia Regum Britanniae, bk. There is one more thing to remember about that first Easter season: The apostles’ work did not end with Christ’s resurrection. “passed over to those which are called the British Isles.” Again he wrote: “Some of the Apostles preached the Gospel in the British Isles.” xi, sect. In order to view these you must be sure Is it only me or does it look as if like a few of these responses come across like coming from brain dead folks? I enjoyed reading it and will continue to follow your blog. trying to write a song about Ruth & Naomi. Acts of the Apostles, book of the New Testament [1]. Maybe soon. Sinai Please continue in your research & may Yahveh guide you. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Greek historians reveal that Thomas brought the gospel to Parthia. His journeys on land and sea took him primarily through present day Israel, Syria, Turkey, and Greece. These regions were under the jurisdiction of Peter and certain of the twelve. What’s up,I log on to your blog named “WHERE DID THE DISCIPLES GO? When you study the history of China someone taught them Torah. Their is a ton of evidence about how they knew who King David was, they have found painting in China of King Solomon. of the Jews, bk. Based on the Book of Acts, Jerusalem became known as the site of the very first church of the Christians. Scythia was the land area located aroung the Black and the Caspian Seas. The National Geographic article on pp. Here he preached and wrought many miracles … .” “that he went at last into Britain, and … was crucified … and buried there” The Exodus  Christian μος parepidēmos par-ep-id’-ay-mos From G3844 and the base of G1927; an alien alongside, that is, a resident foreigner: – pilgrim, stranger. One information which i find it amazing it’s: “From Dacia came the Normans who ultimately settled in France and Britain” Can you please give the source of this info? Israel / Judah & the I have not gotten into facebook. I’m going to be careful for brussels. Your email address will not be published. In 256 A.D. Parthia began to migrate from the regions of the Black Sea to Denmark, thence into the British Isles in 449 A.D. “The Spanish writers generally contend, after the death of Stephen, he came to these Western parts, and particularly into Spain (some add Britain and Ireland) where he planted Christianity” The texts of Luke point to the same office of preaching and testifying (cf. He states: “But then the entire body of the people of Israel [the Ten Tribes] REMAINED IN THAT COUNTRY [they did not return to Palestine]; wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers” (Antiq. There were 2 apostles named James. thanks for listening. Israel in Modern Times, Home | Resources | During the 1st century AD, the apostles established churches throughout the territories of the Roman Empire and, according to tradition, through the Middle East, Africa, and India. (Cave, Antiquitates Apostolicae, p.203.). (Cave, Antiquitates Apostolicae, p.189). Under … That is why the Greeks called them the white Syrians. Dacia is modern day Romania and Macedonia. View the journeys of the Apostle Peter, Paul, Paul and Barnabas, Phillip, and Mark and Barnabas. Apostles Travels and Missionary Routes 1: The Below is a comprehensive list of Biblical places linked or related to the Apostle Paul's life and ministry. "); Paul did not preach in the areas where Peter and others of the twelve apostles had carried the gospel. (Cave, Antiquitates Apostolicae, p. 148 ). A map describing where the Apostles of the New Testament went after AD 31 Nicephorus called the area the “Western and Northern parts of Asia,” . None other than the House of Israel which had been carried into Assyrian captivity. I have a facebook account have not taken time to start using it. Apostles Travels and Missionary Routes 2: Israel / Judah & the Brought some light & am thankful to your this. Gal 2:8 (ForG1063 he that wrought effectuallyG1754 in PeterG4074 toG1519 the apostleshipG651 of theG3588 circumcision,G4061 the same was mightyG1754 in(G2532) meG1698 towardG1519 theG3588 Gentiles:)G1484. Clearly, Christ’s instruction to His Apostles to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel was much broader in scope than the environs of Palestine. The Parthians migrated to this region. James became the leader in this first church, and several other kinsmen also had leadership positions after the city of Jerusalem was destroyed and until the rebuilding. Saint Paul the Apostle, one of the early Christian leaders, often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christianity. I will be sure to share this information with as many people as possible. Of the 27 books of the New Testament, 13 are traditionally attributed to Saint Paul, though several may have been written by his disciples. 50-51 identifies Andrew as journeying to Greece and Ukraine, Thomas as evangelizing in India, Thaddeus and Simon as going to Persia and Bartholomew’s destination as Turkey, India or Armenia. All maps appear in a “gave out, that their ancestors were driven out of Asia by a powerful enemy, and pursued into Greece; from whence they made their escape” to North Africa. News | Action They controlled the famous city of Babylon. St. Luke, also called Saint Luke the Evangelist, (flourished 1st century ce; feast day October 18), in Christian tradition, the author of the Gospel According to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, a companion of St. Paul the Apostle, and the most literary of the New Testament writers. Get a bird's-eye view of the 12 Apostles on a scenic helicopter flight; Take time to explore the dramatic coastline; Enjoy a hike along the Great Ocean Walk, which ends at the 12 Apostles; How to get there. The Josephus, the Jewish historian, was familiar with Parthia as a major dwelling place of the Ten Tribes. But here’s what National Geographic has to say about it: Apostle Paul’s Missionary Journey Map Paul traveled over 10,000 miles proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here, the apostles of Jesus taught and remained after the Pentecost. Learn how your comment data is processed. In 331 A.D. the Parthian Empire fell to Persia. The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul: the Maps of the Apostles' Travels. On the day of Pentecost, strange sounds came from heaven. And I actually do have a few questions for you if you don’t mind. When Christ founded the Church, He chose 12 disciples. This is only based on a French legend that Mary mother of Jesus went to Gaul. Dorotheus was a bishop of Tyre (255 A.D.) is credited with an “Acts of the Seventy Apostles” which may be the same work as the lost Gospel of the Seventy. During the time of the Apostles, the Roman world was a secure place to dwell. Paul Sorry I am so late getting back to you! This map is a broad view of the area where some of the key events took place described Maps: The Apostles Travels and Missionary Routes: Tip:   Peter stood up to explain what was happening: A prophecy of Joel was being fulfilled (Acts 2:1-20). I will let you know. Some believers from Cyrene and Cyprus go to Syrian Antioch and begin talking to Grecians (non-Jews) about Jesus Christ. up here WHERE DID THE DISCIPLES GO? James, the brother of the Messiah, was martyred by Herod. “went next to Trapezus, a maritime city on the Euxine Sea, whence after many other places he came to Nice, where he stayed two years, preaching and working miracles with great success: thence to Nicomedia, and so to Chalcedon; whence sailing through the Propontis he came by the Euxine Sea [BLACK SEA] to Heraclea, and from thence to Amastris….He next came to Sinope, a city situated upon the same sea,…here he met with his brother Peter, with whom he stayed a considerable time….Departing hence, he went again to Amynsus and then…he proposed to return to Jerusalem” — the headquarters church. document.write("Copyright © 2000-"+ update + " BibleCities.com  •  All rights Reserved. Nor could the coldness of the climate benumb his zeal, or hinder him from whipping himself and the Christian doctrine over to the Western Islands, yea, even to Britain itself. If multitudes of … Paul the Apostle, commonly known as Saint Paul and also known by his Hebrew name Saul of Tarsus, was a Christian apostle (although not one of the Twelve Apostles) who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. thanks glad you are enjoying these teachings. Strabo called these people the “White Syrians” (12, 3, 9), instead of Assyrians.